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例如,他們可以使用重複的詞(repeated words),使用同義詞(synonyms)、代詞(pronouns)等。

今天,我將討論另一種常用的方法,經常用來在段落之間提供連接-那是,如何寫transitional sentences(過渡句)。

先概括前段 後開啟新段

以下是transitional sentences的基本結構:簡單說,句子的第一部分概括了前一段的主要思想(main idea),第二部分預覽了你將要寫的段落的主要思想。


"Preservation of cultural heritages"

One of the major reasons why we should conserve our cultural heritages is that these sites represent our connection to the past. Through researchers' and archaeologists' examination of them, we will have better understanding of our ancestors and their lives.

Beside enabling us to better understand our past (clause 1), protection of cultural heritages brings along economic benefits (clause 2). Those sites, once being revitalized, will become an interesting spot that encourages tourists to visit.

在上面的例子中,clause 1總結了前一段的主要思想,而clause 2 預測了本段的主要思想。


此外,除了使用「Beside... , S+V...」pattern之外,還可以使用以下模式來準備一個transitional sentence:

1st part (Summary of the 2nd part (Preview of

previous main idea) the main idea)

Not only does/ do + subject + v, but also...

In addition to + N / V-ing, subject + v...

Although subject + v... , subject + v...


Please write a transitional line for the following scenario.

"Traditional Books versus E-books"

Body Paragraph 1: One of the benefits of traditional books is that they can be shared. You can easily share, lend, or re-sell the books to others. E-books however are often limited to one user or one device.

Body Paragraph 2: Traditional books are good for your eyes too. More and more evidence confirms that constant exposure to bright lights from your electronic devices can damage your eyesight irreversibly.

Suggested Answer (answer can be different)

In addition to the fact that you can share your books with others, traditional books prove to better protect your vision.

■Dr. A. Chan,哲學博士,哲學碩士,英語講師。熟悉公開考試之出題模式與評分準則,任教英語。


