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¡i«÷¤@«÷­^»y¡jOdd one out puzzle


Instructions: Which word in each list is different? Why?

Answers for last Friday¡]3/24¡^

Æ¡ "Grow" is different because it is not a cooking verb.

Æ¢ "Cooker" is different because it is not a person.

Æ£ "Stand" is different because it is not a sports verb.

Ƥ "Watch" is different because it is not a music verb.

Æ¥ "Kick" is different because you do not use your hands or fingers to do it.

Ʀ "Platform" is different because it is not from air travel.

Ƨ "Shirt" is different because you don't wear it on your legs or feet.

ƨ "Stage" is different because it is not from film/cinema.

Æ© "Cards" is different because it is not a sport.

ƪ "Word" is different because it is not a type of word.

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