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Trump's refusal of call with Tsai backs One China policy

¡iĶ¤å¡jUS President Donald Trump dismissed Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen's suggestion to hold another phone call during a White House interview on April 27. Under a new normal of Sino-US relations, Tsai's attempt to seek US support for Taiwan "independence" is destined to fail, and would only aggravate the marginalisation of Taiwan.

Leaders mend relations at Mar-a-Lago

During an interview with foreign media, Tsai expressed an interest in buying F-35 stealth fighters from the US, and said that another direct phone call with Trump could take place again. Tsai has been slapped in the face however as her propositions were openly spurned by the US President soon afterwards.

As a matter of fact, Trump did hamper Sino-US ties both during his campaign and as president-elect, by making controversial remarks and taking a phone call with Tsai. Yet he promptly mended the relationship with China after he was sworn in, held phone calls with Chinese President Xi Jin-ping and acknowledged the One China policy.

More importantly, he initiated Xi's state visit to the US, where the two heads of state held an in-depth exchange of views on major regional and global issues of common concern at Mar-a-Lago in Florida. They reached consensus on developing a cooperative relationship between the two countries during the meeting, and announced the establishment of four high-level mechanisms for dialogue and cooperation. Xi and Trump have increased mutual understanding and established a sound working relationship and personal friendship through the meeting, thus setting a constructive tone for the development of Sino-US relations and charting the course of bilateral ties in a new era.

Trump has reiterated that another phone call with Tsai would not be possible, and has made clear that the US fully understands the unique importance of the One China policy. To maintain the steady development of bilateral ties with China, Trump must take appropriate measures when dealing with issues regarding Taiwan.

Tsai losing support in Taiwan

Beijing and Taipei have seen relations sour over Tsai's first year in power, as she repeatedly refused to acknowledge the 1992 Consensus. Domestically, Tsai's administration is also facing serious challenges as her approval ratings continue to plunge. According to the latest poll figures, Tsai Ing-wen's disapproval rating is almost hitting 60 per cent. Her plans to garner US support by buying the latest US weapons have even directly hit Beijing's bottom line on cross-strait relations and the One China policy. Such actions could only exacerbate the already frosty ties across the strait, which would ultimately hurt Taiwan more.

Trump's open rejection serves as a wake-up call for the people of Taiwan: it is crystal clear that Tsai is drifting the island towards a dead-end. Tsai Ing-wen should wake up from her fantasy and come to an agreement with China on the 1992 Consensu. Only then would Taiwan be back on track for peaceful development.


1. ¥Á¶iÄÒ

2. °ê¥ÁÄÒ

3. ¡m»P¥xÆWÃö«Yªk¡n

4. ¤¤¬ü¤T­ÓÁp¦X¤½³ø

5. ®ü®l¨â©¤¸gÀÙ¦X§@¬[ºc¨óij


1. Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)

2. Kuomintang (KMT)

3. Taiwan Relations Act

4. The Three Joint Communiquˆms

5. Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA)

