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【News Buddy】脫歐益英富豪 全球富豪榜同時出爐

■根據《星期日泰晤士報》,馬雲成為華人首富。 資料圖片■根據《星期日泰晤士報》,馬雲成為華人首富。 資料圖片


英國(United Kingdom)即將與歐盟(European Union)展開脫歐談判,《星期日泰晤士報》(The Sunday Times)5月7日公佈的英國富豪榜顯示,受惠於公投通過脫歐後的股市(stock market)造好,全英最富有1,000人總身家較去年增加14%,至6,580億英鎊(約6.64萬億港元)歷史新高,造就「英國脫歐式膨脹」。


《星期日泰晤士報》 同時公佈全球富豪榜(Global Rich List),由去年的100人排名榜減至50人,內地和香港分別有4人和2人上榜。榜首是經營沃爾瑪(Walmart)超市的沃爾頓家族(Walton family),身家1,006億英鎊(約1.01萬億港元)。

香港長和系(CK Hutchison)主席李嘉誠(Li Ka-shing)排第二十一位,較去年微跌1位;阿里巴巴(Alibaba)主席馬雲(Jack Ma)則較去年跳升10位,至第十九位,是全球榜排名最高的華人。

排第19位的馬雲身家為267億英鎊(約2,698億港元),較去年增加87億英鎊(約878億港元);緊隨其後為大連萬達集團(Dalian Wanda Group)董事長王健林(Wang Jianlin)。第21位的李嘉誠身家為254億英鎊(約2,565億港元),比去年的209億英鎊(約2,110億港元)多,但仍跌1位。




在英國富豪榜首位的是印度裔辛杜佳兄弟(Sri and Gopi Hinduja),涉獵地產(property)、石油(oil)、塑膠及金融業務,總資產增至162億英鎊(約1,637億港元)。

身家升幅最大是第四位的鋼鐵(steel)業巨擘(magnate)米塔爾(Lakshmi Mittal)家族,資產激增約61億英鎊(約616億港元),排名由第十一位升至第四位。

英國華人方面,卡普拉(Capula Investment Management)對沖基金(hedge fund)創辦人霍焱(Yan Huo)再度上榜,身家增至約4億英鎊(約40.4億港元),排名從去年的307位升至299位。

連續上榜多年、經營榮業行超市(Wing Yip)的葉煥榮(Woon Wing Yip)家族亦榜上有名,排名從985位升至962位。

今年亦有破紀錄的130名女性上榜,《哈利波特》(Harry Potter)系列作家羅琳(J.K. Rowling)身家6.5億英鎊(約65.6億港元),是她2001年首度上榜時的10倍;歌手Adele在新專輯(album)和巡迴演唱(arena tour)收入帶動下,以1.25億英鎊(約12.6億港元)資產首度打入富豪榜。

Brexit benefits the UK super-rich

【譯文】When the United Kingdom is negotiating Brexit with the European Union, the new edition of The Sunday Times Rich List released on May 7 shows that the UK's 1,000 wealthiest people-who have greatly benefited from a "Brexit boom" in the stock market-have seen their combined fortunes surge by 14 per cent, reaching a record high of £658bn (approx. HK$6.64tn) over the past year.

Jack Ma tops the Chinese super-rich

The Sunday Times also published the Global Rich List covering the 50 richest people in the world, instead of the 100 last year, in which four Chinese mainlanders and two Hongkongers appear. The Walton family, founders of the Walmart stores, is at the top spot with an estimated fortune of £100.6bn (approx. HK$1.01tn).

Hong Kong's CK Hutchison chairman Li Ka-shing has dropped one place to rank 21st globally.

Alibaba founder Jack Ma has moved up 10 spots to 19th, topping the list among the super-rich Chinese. Jack Ma owns a net fortune of £26.7bn (approx. HK$269.8bn), with an increase of £8.7bn (approx. HK$87.8 bn) compared with last year.

He is followed by Wang Jianlin, founder of Dalian Wanda Group.

Li Ka-shing ranks at 21st and has an increased wealth of £20.9bn (approx. HK$211bn) to the current £25.4bn (approx. HK$256.5bn), but his ranking has still dropped by one place.

The entry into the UK list's top 1,000 this year has risen to £110mn (approx. HK$1.11bn), doubling that of 2009, and the number of billionaires has also increased from 120 to 134. Moreover, the combined wealth of the top 500 super-rich is estimated at £580.4bn (approx. HK$5.86tn), more than the total fortune of the entire 1,000 wealthiest people last year.

It is believed that a revived stock market has helped drive the wealth of the super-rich, who have also enjoyed a capital gain on overseas assets as a result of the pound's continuous depreciation.

130 women make the UK list

The Indian-born brothers Sri and Gopi Hinduja have retained their top spot on the list of the billionaires based in Britain. They are running a vast empire of business covering property, oil, plastics and finance, with a total wealth of £16.2bn (approx. HK$163.7bn).

The steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal and family, ranked 4th on the list, have had the greatest increase in fortune with a wealth valued at £6.1bn (approx. HK$61.6bn), pushing up their ranking from 11th to 4th.

For overseas Chinese, Yan Huo, founder of the hedge fund Capula Investment Management with a wealth estimated at £400mn (approx. HK$4.04bn), has remained on the list and his ranking has increased from 307th to 299th.

The Woon Wing Yip family, famous for operating the Chinese supermarket chain Wing Yip and hence being put on the list for many years, has the ranking moved up from 985th to 962th.

A record 130 women make the Rich List this year, including the author of the Harry Potter series J.K. Rowling, with a net worth of £650mn (approx. HK$6.56bn), 10 times the fortune of her first appearance on the list in 2001.

The singer Adele, by making money from her global arena tour and new album sales, has joined the list the first time with an estimated wealth of £125mn (approx. HK$1.26bn).■龐嘉儀


1. 美國哪本著名商業雜誌亦會每年發佈全球富豪榜?

2. 承上題,這個富豪榜名為什麼?

3. 根據福布斯富豪榜2017,全球首富是誰?

4. 承上題,全球排名第二位的是誰?

1. 《福布斯》(Forbes)

2. The Forbes World's Billionaires

3. 微軟(Microsoft )創辦人比爾蓋茨(Bill Gates )

4. 著名投資者巴菲特 (Warren Buffett)

