世界旅遊業發展經驗證明,在激烈的競爭中,主題樂園須(vital)不斷創新,持續提供新設施和獨特(unique)體驗,才能吸引源源不斷的(steady stream)遊客。新城堡不僅可以強化香港迪士尼樂園的魅力,也可讓整個(entire)旅遊業從中獲益,鞏固香港作為區內最重要旅遊中心之一的地位。
可以想見,這一群新穎的尖塔城堡將會構成香港迪士尼獨特的風采與魅力(special charm),成為其獨一無二的標誌形象。
例如,東京迪士尼的成功,就包含了兩方面因素:一是「一切都是動態的」,有聲有色、變幻無窮,新奇刺激的場景令遊客眼花繚亂、心驚肉跳;二是「永遠也建不完」,開園至今,東京迪士尼每年都在不斷更新硬件與軟件,月月有新設計、天天有新花樣(special charm),使它始終保持巨大的魅力,吸引了源源不斷的遊客。
同時,相關工程要爭取盡快完成,及時投入使用,這樣才能在激烈的(fierce)競爭中站穩。 (標題及小標題為編輯所加) (摘錄自香港文匯報社評9-12-2017)
Disneyland's new "spires" aspire to bring tourist spree
【譯文】The Hong Kong Disneyland's castle will undergo renovations in early 2018. The transformed castle will be first-of-its-kind in terms of design, and will feature new grand elements such as spires. Renovation works are due to complete by 2019.
Tourism sectors around the world have proven time and again that continuous innovation is vital to theme parks amidst fierce competition. In order to attract a steady stream of tourists, new facilities and unique experiences must be introduced regularly. The new Disney castles will not only boost the attractiveness of Hong Kong Disneyland, but also benefit the entire tourism industry, and strengthen Hong Kong's position as one of the most important tourist hubs in the region.
Inspired by 14 princesses
According to the renovation plans announced on 8 December, the new castle's design was inspired by the stories of 14 Disney Princesses, featuring 14 thematic spires that represent each of the Princesses. The new design echoes with the local spirit of pursuing dreams courageously, and also demonstrates to the world Hong Kong's cosmopolitan character and extraordinary multiculturalism.
It is foreseeable that the new Disney castle with its novel spires will become a unique symbol of Hong Kong Disneyland's special charm.
The world's most successful theme parks all share something in common - on top of their core themes and elements, they all offer visitors new experiences by constantly expanding and renovating. Disneylands around the world are no exception. For instance, Tokyo Disneyland's success can be attributed to two qualities: The first is dynamism: visitors are constantly overwhelmed by the ever-changing and immersive attractions.
The second is its unlimited expansion, with brand new hardware and software updates. The combination of both qualities has guaranteed its appeal, pulling in steady streams of visitors every year.
Huge deficit recorded 2016
Limited by its small size and slow expansion, the attraction of Hong Kong Disneyland is gradually declining. Competition in the region has intensified since the opening of its Shanghai counterpart-visitor numbers of Hong Kong Disneyland began to drop after peaking at 7.5 million in 2014. By 2016, the number had already fallen to 6.1 million.
Meanwhile, it suffered a HK$171 million deficit for the same year, worse than the HK$148 million loss in 2015. Together with the large-scale lay-offs reported, it is apparent that the theme park is facing a serious challenge.
The reimagined Disney castle will perform a pivotal role to break the bottleneck. Its transformation, by synthesising with the local culture, could inspire a new wave of innovation in Hong Kong Disneyland. Together with improvements in management and services, the theme park's attraction can sustain.
At the same time, the renovation works must also be completed as soon as possible, so as to remain relevant amidst fierce competition.■Jeffrey Tse [ywc_jeffrey@hotmail.com]
Learning Point-English Numerals
.Thousand 千
.Million 百萬
.Billion 十億
.Trillion 萬億
1. HK$5,000,000
2. HK$7,500,000,000
3. HK$132,000,000,000
4. HK$35,400,000
5. HK$986,540,000
1. HK$5 million
2. HK$7.5 billion
3. HK$132 billion
4. HK$35.4 million
5. HK$986.54 million