我們想用英文說某人很熟悉某事情,通常會說He knows it very well/very clearly(他很熟悉這事)。如果認為這說法太簡單呆板,不足以強調對方達至透徹了解的程度,可以考慮用inside out,例如He knows it inside out,即是說他知道事件的裡裡外外,巨細無遺。
He has been working here for twenty years, so he knows the operation inside out.
She is confident about her son because she knows him inside out.
中文及英文有相應的字句,形容某人掌握某事全貌。中文會用「從頭到尾」;英文則反過來用「從尾到頭」back to front。中文會用倒背如流,英文也有backward/s and forward/s,也有掌握事件全貌的意思,說He knows it back to front或He knows it backwards and forwards,即是說他知道事件的一切細節。有時亦會簡化說He knows it backwards。
These experienced lawyers know the procedures back to front.
He knew his speech backwards and forwards; he had rehearsed it a hundred times.
The professor knows his subject backwards. He is an expert in the field.
中文的了如指掌,則相對英文like the back of one's hand,說He knows it like the back of his hand,即是他了解這事的程度,猶如對自己的手背一樣熟悉,意指對某事或人了如指掌,十分精通。
You should ask him to be your guide. He knows the city like the back of his hand.
She is the person in charge of the project from the start. She should know it like the back of her hand.
She knows her husband like the back of her hand. She can always tell if he is lying.
由上文可見,形容對某些人、某些事非常熟悉,可以有不同的說法,視乎意思和行文需要,作出恰當的選擇,譬如說很了解系統運作或某人的性格為人,可以用inside out;對事情的始末很清楚,可以用backwards and forwards;而中文的了如指掌,也可以用英文的knows someone/something like the back of one's hand。■Lina CHU
[ linachu88@gmail.com ]