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2010年3月4日 星期四
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時人時事:18山坡建電梯 進度緩慢挨批

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-03-04]     我要評論






Legislators Criticized Slow Progress of Elevator Projects on 18 Slopes

 The Government has proposed installing escalators and elevators on 18 slopes across Hong Kong. These projects are prioritized after the specific conditions of the areas concerned have been assessed. The Government will begin with feasibility studies for the first 10 priority locations, which takes 8 to 12 months, and it is estimated that construction work will complete within 2 to 4 years. Some legislators were critical of the slow progress of the projects. Ms Eva Cheng, Secretary for Transport and Housing, responded by saying that there was a need of prioritization due to constraints of manpower and other resources.

  The Transport Department commissioned a study on the installation of escalators and elevators on hill slopes in 2008. Hill slope areas were rated according to factors such as surroundings, effectiveness and feasibility. Out of 20 proposed locations, 18 sites were selected and then prioritized. On top of the list is the travelator to be constructed in Tsz Wan Shan. Also in the list are 8 sites located in the Kwan Tsing district while Ladder Street in Central, Waterloo Road in Kowloon City, Chuk Yuen North Estate in Wong Tai Sin and Yuet Wah Street in Kwun Tong are also included.

  The transport panel of the LegCo met to discuss the proposal. Although Kwai Tsing has been given a larger share, Legislator Wong Kwok-hing of the Federation of Trade Unions did not think that the number of escalators proposed for Kwai Tsing is enough because many of the public housing estates there were built on hill tops. Other legislators questioned the fairness of prioritization, saying that it might cause short term delays in installing escalators and elevators in some districts with serious aging population problems. Some legislators also showed disapproval of splitting the 18 projects into two batches as they worried about the indefinite start-up time of the second batch projects.

  Eva Cheng pointed out that prioritizing is necessary because manpower and other resources are limited. The authorities will proceed with the other projects according to their priorities. The exact completion time of these projects is now undetermined because it depends on the results of their respective feasibility studies, she added.  ■Translation by開明

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