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2010年3月2日 星期二
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科學天地:骨癌婦移植卵巢 連生兩胎成首例

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-03-02]     我要評論











 但有專家覺得卵巢移植太具侵入性,難以普及。錫菲爾德大學的生育專家佩西表示:「為社交上的方便,要一個健康的婦女經歷兩次手術(移除和植入卵巢)來推遲生育的建議,實在荒唐,凍結卵子會是一個更簡單的方法。」  ■綜合外電消息

 ■羅國偉 資深翻譯員

First Woman Giving Birth Twice with Ovary Transplant

 When Stinne Holm Bergholdt of Denmark was diagnosed with bone cancer at age 27, she was afraid she wouldn't be able to have children. So she asked her doctors if they could remove an ovary before her treatment and transplant it back afterward to preserve her fertility.

 More than 6 years later, Bergholdt and her husband now have two daughters, making her the first woman in the world to give birth twice after an ovary transplant. Details of her case were being published in the journal, Human Reproduction.

 "It's hard to believe it's really true," said Bergholdt, of Odense, Denmark. "It's like a dream that I never would have thought possible a few years ago."

 On the day before she started chemotherapy, doctors took 13 strips of ovarian tissue from Bergholdt's right ovary and froze them. After 8 months of cancer treatment and another year of recovery, doctors reimplanted 7 of the strips, or about 20percent of an entire ovary.

 Bergholdt's ovary began working again after a few months, and she then had in-vitro fertilization to become pregnant. Nearly a year later, she gave birth to daughter Aviaja, now 3.

 When Bergholdt and her husband decided they wanted a second child, they went back to the fertility clinic, but it turned out that she was already pregnant. About a year ago, she gave birth to another daughter, Lucca.

 "We were really surprised that she had done it herself," said Dr. Claus Yding Andersen, one of Bergholdt's doctors at the University Hospital of Copenhagen. "We did not expect the ovary transplant to still be working after 4 years."

 The transplant is working so well that Bergholdt is currently using birth control to avoid becoming pregnant again.

 8 children have been born worldwide to women who have had ovary transplants but no other woman has had more than one pregnancy after having a transplant.

 The technique has been mostly used for cancer patients, but could become more widespread as the technology is refined, Andersen said.

 But others thought an ovary transplant was much too invasive to become more widespread. "To suggest that a healthy woman would have two operations(to remove and reimplant the ovary)for the sake of social convenience, to have children later, is ludicrous," said Allan Pacey, a fertility expert at the University of Sheffield. "It's far easier to just freeze your eggs."  ■AP

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