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2010年5月20日 星期四
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時人時事:港中旅捐150萬元 助黎平製富脫貧

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-05-20]     我要評論





HKCTS Donated 1.5 Million HKD to Fight Poverty in Liping

 In a bid to extend community caring efforts, to make further donations and to survey the actual situation, a delegation of about 30 people, led by Zhang Xuewu, Chairman of the China Travel Service(Holdings)Hong Kong Limited(HKCTS), has recently paid a visit to Liping in Guizhou. Besides bringing in a donation of HK$1.5 million for poverty alleviation and charity, the delegation had also aimed at finding ways to diversify their relief effort from the "blood transfusion"(wealth injection)type to that of "blood production"(wealth creation).

 In this visit to Guizhou led by Zhang Xuewu, the delegation firstly assessed the outcomes of the poverty alleviation efforts in the past 8 years and secondly reorganized thoughts for ways to help the poor in Liping in the future. After a few days of research and study, it was clear that the current "blood transfusion" mode of relief should continue and new ways of "blood production" assistance, such as nurturing and marketing of local tea farming, training specialized tourism experts and creating job opportunities, should also be exploited. It was preliminarily decided that the hotels wholly owned or managed by the HKCTS would explore sales channels for the quality tea products of Liping and assist the local tea industry to enter overseas markets. It was also decided that the existing vocational training school in Liping would be used as a base for a three-year HKCTS specialized tourism training course. 3 classes, each with 30 students, would be run in the first phase.

 Should there be a need of personnel in tourist sites and hotels managed by the HKCTS group, priorities would go to high achieving graduates of the school, Zhang said. He also pointed out that the group would at the same time provide for students of the school field training opportunities in its travel agents, hotels and tourist sites each year based on the actual situation.  ■Translation by 開明

時人時事:港中旅捐150萬元 助黎平製富脫貧 (2010-05-20) (圖)
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