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2010年5月20日 星期四
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】


http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-05-20]     我要評論



 Kui Xing

  Kui Xing is a Tao deity with an ugly appearance. He is often posed as holding a Chinese brush and an inkslab. His right foot rests on the head of a giant turtle, implying the most outstanding one. His left foot supports a ladle(the dipper).

 It was said that Kui Xing was lame and ugly yet extremely bright. He entered for the imperial examination and won an interview with the emperor. "What happened to your face?" the emperor asked. "My face is only a reflection of the starry sky," replied Kui Xing. "Then what's wrong with your leg?" the emperor asked. "It's enough for me to jump through the dragon's gate with just one leg and beat my competitors." The Emperor was much amused. "Then tell me who writes the best essays in our country?" "The best essays come from the Yangtze delta provinces. My brother is the best writer in the region. It happens that I taught my brother how to write," Kui Xing replied. The emperor was so pleased with Kui Xing that he granted him the highest honor in the exam.  ■甄枝強 資深天文愛好者

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