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2010年11月12日 星期五
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社評雙語道:世博輝煌燦爛 滬港共創雙贏

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-11-12]     我要評論

 ■香港積極參與上海世博會,有利結合和鞏固香港與世界許多城市的聯繫。圖為上海世博會香港館。 資料圖片




Glamorous Expo created a Win-win situation for Shanghai and Hong Kong

The Expo 2010 Shanghai which drew attention across the globe had been successfully completed. The Expo not only showed to the world a colorful picture of China, but also created a window through which the Chinese people had a glimpse of the wonderful and diversified outside world. The Expo allowed a rising China to once again stand tall in front of the whole world. Feelings for China, for the Expo and for the world at large intermingled and interacted to showcase a modern time where Chinese culture and civilization of mankind coalesced. The Expo has ended, but its spirit lives on.

Expo 2010 has been another major international event, after the Beijing Olympics, which China has successfully hosted against a backdrop of the global economy that had been severely impaired by the financial tsunami. The Expo further displayed to the world a self-confidently rising China and demonstrated the wisdom, vitality and ambitions of the Chinese people. Besides, it showed to the world that China has sincerely wished to live harmoniously with all other nations in a mutually beneficial manner. The successful hosting of the Shanghai Expo encourages China to persevere with her reform and open policy, to follow firmly the path of peaceful development and inclusiveness, and to expedite her alignment with the international community.

As a participant in the Shanghai Expo, Hong Kong launched the largest, the most comprehensive and the most persistent promotional campaign ever in the history of her participation in international events. Taking part in the Expo persistently and zealously not only helped Hong Kong to improve her image in Shanghai and the entire world but also allowed Hong Kong to build and consolidate links with other cities in the world. In the process of economic globalization, the Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze Delta will become the two most powerful engines in China. Shanghai and Hong Kong, which respectively occupy a central position in the eastern and southern parts of China, will act as a pair of twin cities which glow separately in their territories, creating a win-win situation for both. ■translation by開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

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