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2011年4月6日 星期三
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What's Up?:We love music (1)

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-04-06]     我要評論

 ■音樂可陶冶性情,紓緩工作壓力。 資料圖片

 Lily works in a bank and has to answer to complaints everyday. She cannot get ample(足夠) sleep because of hectic(忙亂) work schedules and feels very tired all the time. She realized that stress symptoms(症狀) can affect her health. A friend advised her to learn a musical instrument as a method to relax after a hard day and soothe(緩和) her mind. After learning how to play the piano for two years' time, she can play some simple pop and classical pieces(樂曲). She also likes to put on some quiet music and lean(傾斜) back or lie down(躺) at home to relax.

 Lily's cousin Thomas, who lives in the U.K., has come back to Hong Kong for holidays. He was astounded(驚奇) when she told him that she can play the piano. Today, they are going to play some music together in a music centre where Lily takes her piano lessons.

Thomas: Hey Lily! How are you?

Lily: Hey Thomas! Are you ready for some music?

Thomas: Yes!

 Thomas asks Lily why they can't practise at home. Lily explains to him that since her apartment(公寓) is very small, she will be disliked by her neighbour if they play loud music. They asked Geoff, a staff of the music centre about their booking.

Geoff: Welcome. I am Geoff. How can I help you?

Lily: I've booked a room from 2 to 4 today.

Geoff: You must be Lily. This way please.

 Geoff walks Lily and Thomas to the basement(地下室). There is a room with a drum set(鼓). The room is soundproofed(隔音) which means it can insulate(絕緣) against noise.

Lily: Oh! It's such a spacious(寬敞) room! Thomas, let's play some music together.

Thomas: Lily. I've learned something new.

Lily: What's that?

Thomas: I can rap(說唱) !

Geoff: Cool! I am from North America(北美洲) . Rap is so popular there.

Lily: What is rap?

Geoff: Rap music or hip-hop(嘻哈) is a genre(類型) of African – American music of the 80s and 90s. The rappers have to talk rapidly, rhythmically(有節奏地) and vividly(生動地).

 Rapping began as a variation in reggae(西印度群島居民的一種音樂) and dub music, mixed with influences from radio DJs. Rappers can improvise rhymes(音韻) over the beats created by the DJs. Thomas starts off trying to rap as fast as possible with a constant(不變) beat. Lily and Geoff are very excited.

Lily: Thomas! You are great! I am more into classical music.

Thomas: Really?

Lily: Don't you remember that I can play the piano?

Thomas: Oh! Yes! Please play some music now!



1) How does Lily relax at home?

2) What kind of musical instrument Lily has been learning?

3) What is rap?


1) She likes to put on some quiet music and lean back or lie down at home to relax.

2) Lily has been learning the piano.

3) Rapping began as a variation in reggae and dub music, mixed with influences from radio DJs. Rappers can improvise rhymes over the beats created by the DJs.

 Please visit http://wwpenglishcolumn.blogspot.com to watch the video and learn some common phrases in English.  ■By Lily Poon

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