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2011年4月1日 星期五
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】

社評雙語道:追究謠言 安定民心

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-04-01]     我要評論

 ■本港上月中全城瘋狂搶購食鹽,有百貨公司貨架上的食鹽被市民搶購一空,職員開箱準備把食鹽上架時,市民蜂擁而上「爭奪」。 資料圖片




Punish rumour-mongers and put people's mind at ease

Under the menace of the nuclear crisis in Japan, there were widespread rumours on the mainland and in Hong Kong that iodine contained in salt could resist radiation and that sea salt might be contaminated by nuclear leakage. People madly rushed for salt all over Hong Kong in the middle of last month, and compounded by the speculative activities of some mainlanders who came to sweep a large quantity of salt back to the mainland, the price of salt once soared by nearly 10 times. The spreading of the rumours not only created a panic in society but also caused disruptions to normal daily life of the people. Unscrupulous merchants made use of the rumours as an excuse to mark up prices, causing losses to consumers. The authorities should not treat these rumours lightly as just some kind of a hoax. They should track down the source of the rumours and bring those who willfully spread the rumours to justice. Local residents should also use their critical judgment, and closely follow the announcements of the government. They should not easily believe in rumours and lose their grip.

Timing is crucial to dispelling rumours. To free the public of worries and anxieties caused by a lack of information, the authorities should once again carry out daily briefing as they did during the outbreak of SARS or other serious influenza epidemics. They should inform the public of the latest developments every day instead of passively responding to the queries raised by reporters. More importantly, they should proactively disclose authoritative information on issues which people are deeply concerned with, such as the dispersion of radioactive substances, imports of food into Hong Kong and the conditions of Hong Kong people in Japan. This not only clarifies uncertainties and dispels doubts, but also reinforces fight against offences of profiting from rumours and marking up prices.

Hong Kong has always prided itself on being a world city and Hong Kong people are highly regarded internationally for their civility and sensibility. It is ironic that the city would be brought to such a chaotic state where people scrambled for salt simply because of a piece of groundless and ridiculous rumour.

 It is a case for reflection. People are often motivated by herd instinct, especially in events of disasters. Many will easily react with startling responses, and easily fall for all sorts of ridiculous rumours. People should learn a lesson from here and in future treat all rumours in a serene and calm manner. The right attitude to handling a crisis is to brush rumours off.  ■Translation by 開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

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