余 功
2003年底,英國廣播公司(British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC)邀請平民百姓選出有史以來最受歡迎的一百本小說,名為Big Read 100,結果有逾70萬人投票。百強之中,有兩位作家都有5本著作入選,並列第一。今天我們介紹大家較熟悉的一位:英國大文豪狄更斯(Charles Dickens, 1812-1870)。他入選的5部作品是--第17位:Great Expectations(《遠大前程》,或譯《孤星血淚》);第34位:David Copperfield(《大衛.科波菲爾》);第47位:A Christmas Carol(《聖誕頌歌》,或譯《小氣財神》);第63位:A Tale of Two Cities(《雙城記》);第79位:Bleak House(《荒涼山莊》,或譯《蕭齋》)。此外入圍二百強尚有兩本--第106位:The Pickwick Papers(《匹克威克外傳》);第182位:Oliver Twist(《苦海孤雛》,或譯《孤雛淚》、《霧都孤兒》)。
1. The system! I am told on all hands, it's the system. I mustn't look to individuals. It's the system.... My Lord knows nothing of it. He sits there to administer the system(制度!眾人眾事都告訴我,是制度。我不應看個人,是制度。……法官大人對此毫無頭緒,他只是坐在那兒執行制度)。
2. He became as good a friend, as good a master, and as good a man, as the good old city knew, or any other good old city, town, or borough, in the good old world(他變成了一個好朋友,一個好主人,一個好男人,這個好的老城從沒遇過,甚至在這個好的老世界中其他任何好的老城、鎮、區都從沒遇過)。
3. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery(全年收入20英鎊,全年支出19英鎊19先令6便士,結果是幸福。全年收入20英鎊,全年支出20英鎊6便士,結果是悲慘)。
4. I see that I hold a sanctuary in their hearts, and in the hearts of their descendants, generations hence. I see her, an old woman, weeping for me on the anniversary of this day(我看見我佔一神聖席位--在他們心中,也在他們後代及世世代代人心中。我看見她,一位老婦,在今天的周年紀念日為我哭泣)。
5. I did really cry in good earnest when I went to bed, to think that my expectations had done some good to somebody(我上床睡覺,想到我的前程為一些人帶來了一些益處,的確認真地哭過)。