1907年,原戍守直隸省的陸軍第三鎮移師至東三省駐防,圖為該鎮的新軍士兵在嚴寒的天氣下鍛煉體能。早在洋務運動時期,中國已引進德國陸軍的操練方式,教習單槓、雙槓、木馬、平台等器械體操,為清末新軍沿襲下來。New Army soldiers of the 3rd Division of the Qing army train in the extreme cold after the division was redeployed from Zhili (nowadays Hebei province) to the Three Northeast Provinces (Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang) in 1907. China had already introduced training methods adopted from the Imperial German Army during the Self-Strengthening Movement, and physical exercises on equipment such as the horizontal bars, parallel bars, pommel horse and platform were inherited by the New Army during the late Qing dynasty.
■資料:Professor Ronald Anderson