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2011年6月3日 星期五
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-06-03]     我要評論

 ■本港西九工程一拖再拖,謝卓飛去年底以健康理由辭去西九文化區管理局行政總裁後,將由國際知名度更高的Michael Lynch填補行政總裁一職,7月25日履新。 資料圖片




Alarm bell rings again in Hong Kong as competitiveness weakens

 The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences published its annual Blue Book on Urban Competitiveness in China last month. Although Hong Kong still topped the list as the most competitive city for 6 consecutive years, the report highlighted problems, such as slow transformation of industries and increasingly shrinking competitive edge, faced by Hong Kong in its development. This year, the academy specifically pointed out the setbacks which have hindered the growth of Hong Kong. These include the sole reliance on the financial industry, stalled development in technology and infrastructure, and a widening gap between the rich and the poor. The academy was also forthright in suggesting that Hong Kong should emphasize more on technological innovation, establish a technology development authority, and draw a new demarcation between the government and the market by making amendment to the simplistic notion of “big market, small government”.

 Major projects in Hong Kong, for example, the high speed railway, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge and the West Kowloon Cultural Centre, are repeatedly delayed. Technological innovation sees no real progress and upgrading of industries is stalled. Of course, there are many reasons to all these problems but the role of the SAR government is the most crucial. Technological innovation, for instance, requires supportive policies from the government in terms of financial assistance, tax allowances and land use. Unfortunately, the resources allocated to scientific research accounted for only 0.6% of the GDP in Hong Kong, a figure which was lower than the 1.4% on the mainland and much behind those of Singapore and USA. Furthermore, the then Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau was dissolved by the third SAR government during the process of restructuring and was replaced by the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau. As people described, it signified “the disappearance of technology in Hong Kong”.

 Today China develops at a very high speed and a number of cities on the mainland have obvious advantages over Hong Kong in terms of population size and land area. Although the incumbent government of Hong Kong has barely more than a year to go in its term of office, it must not be just a caretaker government. Instead, it should, within its scope of authority, speed up cross-border infrastructure projects, vigorously promote technological innovations, create favorable conditions for the development of the Six industries, and so make responsible contributions to the actualization of the upgrading of local industries.  ■Translation by 開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

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