■多逛樹木研習徑,可以學習各種植物的資料。 作者提供
暢遊郊野公園(country park(s)),會途經許多樹木研習徑(tree walk(s)),當中有不少介紹各種植物的有趣資料;除了學習相關知識外,我們不妨也研究一下當中的英文。
今天這張告示介紹一種叫「嶺南山竹子」的植物,專有名詞我們不必理會。先看首句的中文和英文:「儘管色澤跟我們愛吃的果后山竹相差很遠,但嶺南山竹子的果實結構和味道,與一般山竹相當近似」(Although wide different in color from the delicious "queen of the fruit" - Mangosteen, Garcinia oblongifolia is quite the same as it in structure and taste)。
先說wide different(相差很遠)。既然different是形容詞,前面便應當用副詞,即至少要說widely。若要說相差很遠、非常不同,可考慮其他常用副詞如distinctly、markedly、radically、significantly、strikingly等等。
其次,果后山竹的確是叫mangosteen(讀如MANG-ga-steen),但它是可數名詞,因此至少要說mangosteens或the mangosteen,不能單單說mangosteen。
第三,中文是說兩者的果實結構和味道相當近似,但英文卻沒有清楚說明是果實,而the same as後面用it也不常見。因此整句宜改寫作:Although strikingly different in color from the delicious "queen of the fruit" - the mangosteen, the fruit of Garcinia oblongifolia and that of the mangosteen are quite the same in both structure and taste。
中間數句問題不大,末句倒值得研究:「每年9、10月結成的果實,又叫黃牙果,因為嘴嚼過後,果槳會黏附牙齒,弄得牙齒變黃」(Its fruits will stain teeth yellow when you eat it, hence also called Huang Ya Guo (yellow teeth fruit), ripen in every September and October)。
首先,中文的「果槳」大概是指「果醬」吧?其實更應當說是「汁液」。而「黏附」這部分也沒有在英文中說出。英文最後說ripen in every September and October,不但突兀,文法也不正確。整句或可改寫作:Its fruit, which ripens in September or October, is also called Huang Ya Guo (yellow teeth fruit), since after chewing, the fruit juices will adhere to the teeth, making them yellow in color。這樣大概會清晰一點。 ■馮Sir