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2012年7月6日 星期五
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社評雙語道:加快沙中線進度 帶動地區發展

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-07-06]     我要評論


Expedite the Shatin to Central Link project to foster development in various districts



Construction of the 17-km long Shatin to Central Link of MTRC, which has been planned for 12 years, finally started on 22 June. The Shatin to Central Link is a strategic line and it will connect a number of existing railways. The commencement of its construction work signifies that the railway network in Hong Kong is moving towards a higher degree of maturity and that it will be able to further facilitate the future economic and urban development of the city. The Shatin to Central Link had suffered a lengthy delay due to political disputes and that had led to a substantial rise in the cost of construction. Now, the authorities need to speed up the construction work to make up for the lost time and also lower the cost as much as possible. Besides, auxiliary services for stations along the rail link should be planned as well at an earliest stage. The authorities should take this opportunities brought by the construction of the Shatin to Central Link to foster the development of various districts such as Kowloon East so that benefits of the railway network can be fully exploited.

Railway construction offers the best opportunities for land development. The authorities should promptly make use of the opportunity brought about by the Shatin to Central Link and plan well the infrastructure development along the railway line. At present, as part of the Energizing Kowloon East project, the authorities have planned to develop a monorail system to connect the Kai Tak station of the Shatin to Central Link with Kowloon East. The construction of this system should commence as early as possible so that its completion can time with the completion of the Shatin to Central Link for kick-starting the development of Kowloon East. In the meantime, many developers have been acting vigorously to acquire old buildings in areas around To Kwa Wan. The above-station development on the ten stations along the Shatin to Central Link will provide valuable land resources. The development of housing, commercial and community amenities on these stations will be an inseparable part of the economic and population planning for the future. Residential, commercial and other usage planning along the rail link should therefore be considered in advance so as to seize the opportunity of development and fully utilize the land so provided.

  ■Translation by 東明 tungming23@gmail.com


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