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2013年11月20日 星期三
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社評雙語道:港府發警告 推動解決人質事件

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2013-11-20]     我要評論

■特首宣布,一個月內沒有階段性成果即制裁的做法,顯示特區政府處理事件有步驟、有計劃,手法有理有利有節。 資料圖片



HKSAR government issued warning to push for solution to the hostage-taking incident

 Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying announced on 5 November that sanctions will be imposed on the Philippines if within one month no first stage result can be achieved to settle the issue of the hostage-taking incident that had happened in the Philippines. Progress on resolving the problem has been unsatisfactory. The warning issued by the HKSAR government to the Philippines represents the voice of the Hong Kong people and signals clearly that the patience of Hong Kong has its limits. The HKSAR government is determined to seek justice for the victims and the Philippines should cease to act in a defiant and uncooperative manner. Otherwise, they have to bear the consequences.

 It has been more than 3 years since the hostage-taking incident happened in the Philippines. Demands which Hong Kong has made from the Philippines government, including an official apology, compensation, action to hold officials accountable and measures to ensure the safety of Hong Kong tourists, are all sensible and reasonable. The Philippines have not ever made a positive response. In September this year, the Manila municipal government expressed its intention to have the City of Manila make an official apology for the tragedy and also sent a city councilor to Hong Kong to negotiate. This signalled a turning point in solving the problem, but still expectations of families of the deceased, the injured and the general public of Hong Kong have not been met. It is fair to say that while Hong Kong has been reasonable and very accommodating in dealing with the hostage-taking incident, authorities of the Philippines have given Hong Kong a cold shoulder and delayed making relevant decisions. This no doubt makes Hong Kong people feel disappointed and frustrated. Now, the Chief Executive has set a time limit for the Philippines to settle the issue. The decision not only reflects the wishes and sentiment of Hong Kong and expresses the strong demand of the Hong Kong people, but also demonstrates that the HKSAR government has plans and procedures for dealing with the matter and is striving for substantial progress on just grounds, to the advantage of the parties concerned and in a restrained manner.(節自香港《文匯報》2013年11月6日) ■English translation by Tung-ming

[ tungming23@gmail.com ]


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