「香港首份非物質文化遺產清單在17日公布,涵蓋了480個項目」:「非物質」是intangible,即「非實質的」、「捉摸不到的」;「文化遺產」叫cultural heritage;「清單」可說inventory;「公布」可說publish;「涵蓋」可說cover;「項目」是item。
「粵劇」Cantonese opera
「當中較受香港市民認識的項目,包括粵劇、太平清醮、端午節、盂蘭勝會、舞火龍、茶樓點心製作技藝、港式奶茶製作技藝等」:「較受......認識」可說more familiar with;「粵劇」是Cantonese opera;「太平清醮」可簡單說作Jiao Festival,當中的Jiao是「醮」;「端午節」是Dragon Boat Festival;「盂蘭勝會」可音譯作Yu Lan Festival;「舞火龍」是fire dragon dance;「茶樓點心製作技藝」可說Chinese dim sum making technique;「港式奶茶製作技藝」可說Hong Kong style milk tea making technique。
「表演藝術」Performing Arts
「清單共分5個範疇,包括口頭傳統和表現形式,表演藝術,社會實踐、儀式及節慶活動,有關自然界和宇宙的知識和實踐,傳統手工藝」:「範疇」是domain;「口頭傳統和表現形式」是Oral Traditions and Expressions;「表演藝術」是Performing Arts;「社會實踐、儀式及節慶活動」是Social Practices, Rituals and Festive Events;「有關自然界和宇宙的知識和實踐」是Knowledge and Practices Concerning Nature and the Universe;「傳統手工藝」是Traditional Craftsmanship。
因此全段可英譯如下:Hong Kong published on the 17th this month its first inventory of intangible cultural heritage, which covers 480 items. Those that Hong Kong citizens are more familiar with include Cantonese opera, the Jiao Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Yu Lan Festival, fire dragon dance, the Chinese dim sum making technique and the Hong Kong style milk tea making technique. The inventory consists of 5 domains, including: Oral Traditions and Expressions; Performing Arts; Social Practices, Rituals and Festive Events; Knowledge and Practices Concerning Nature and the Universe; and Traditional Craftsmanship.■MT Ness
1. 菠蘿包;
2. 謎語;
3. 跌打。
1. pineapple bun(s);
2. riddle(s);
3. bone setting。