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2014年11月26日 星期三
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】




 Dual-track approach beneficial to maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea

Premier Li Keqiang clarified China's principle and stance on tackling issues concerning the South China Sea, when he attended the 9th East Asia Summit held in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar on 13 November. He expressly presented a dual-track approach in which only the countries directly concerned are to resolve disputes, whenever they arise, through negotiation. It also stipulates that China and the ASEAN countries will jointly hold peace and stability in the South China Sea region. The approach emphasizes tackling disputes through consultation and negotiation between countries directly concerned. It also highly regards the role of the ASEAN countries in maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea.

The dual-track approach will enhances the role of the ASEAN as a whole, and enables it to work to end disputes in the South China Sea. So the idea receives positive responses from a majority of ASEAN countries. China, after all, is a force to maintain peace and stability in East Asia, and it has firmly committed to the course of peaceful development. China is ready to work with countries in the region to build an Asian community of shared interests, shared responsibilities and shared destiny.■Translation and Learning Point by Tung-ming [ tungming23@gmail.com ]


Learning Point:

名詞 resolution

名詞 resolution 有多個解釋,常見的包括:

1. 決心 determination

2. 清晰度 ability to show things clearly

3. 解決 solving or ending a problem or difficulty/solution

4. 決議 official decision

上面文章說到 resolution of disputes,意思是「解決爭議」,動詞即 resolve 。


試說出下列句子中 resolution 的意思。

1. They should try to reach a resolution of their differences by negotiation.

2. The government has passed a resolution to increase sales tax.

3. He would like to buy a camera with a higher resolution.

4. Nobody can think of a resolution to the present crisis.

5. She shows great resolution in winning the competition.

6. Some people failed to comply with the resolution of the committee.


1. 解決 solving or ending a problem or difficulty/solution

2. 決議 official decision

3. 清晰度 ability to show things clearly

4. 解決 solving or ending a problem or difficulty/solution

5. 決心 determination

6. 決議 official decision


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