上集提到高比拜仁(Kobe Bryant)被記者追問他是否知道林書豪(Jeremy Lin)。而Kobe在記者的一番追問下,終於說:I'll take a look at it tonight. If he's playing well, I'll just have to deal with him.(我今晚會開始留意佢,如果佢真係咁勁,就放馬過來。)
其實美國的傳媒早就把這段interview放上網給觀眾無限收看,連記者都形容Kobe大敵當前,仍然輕敵:[he was] having a laugh with the media about Jeremy Lin。
不過當New York Knick在翌晚以98比85大勝了LA Lakers之後, Kobe is no longer in the dark(高比就非常清楚誰是林書豪了)。
Kobe在輸波後對Jeremy的評語是:He played extremely well. If that's the way he's been playing these last three or four games, he played phenomenal(極之出色). We watched tape on him, came up with a strategy we thought would be effective. But knocking down his jump shot, [he was] penetrating and getting past our guards into the paint. It didn't work. Into the paint是籃球用語,在籃球場上的禁區(restricted area)或是我們常說的key,在NBA的球場上是油上了顏色的,所以那個禁區範圍叫做the paint。■岑皓軒 騎呢領隊
作者簡介:岑皓軒,畢業於英國Imperial College London,著有親子育兒書《辣媽潮爸哈哈B》及與馬漪楠合著暢銷書《Slang:屎爛英語1&2》等。