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2015年3月27日 星期五
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英文應試攻略:態度堅決地學習 堅持主張別騎牆


■用vocabulary book學習英語詞彙。 資料圖片

很多同學向我請教,究竟怎樣才可以快捷地增加自己的英文詞彙。Vocabulary building確實並非一日之功。大家也知道學好語言是要「浸」回來的,所以學習英語,增加英語詞彙也不例外。

我有一個方法可以很有效地學習英語生字和記好所學過的生字。那就是運用theme-based approach(主題學習)。例如︰當你學習有關attitude(態度)的詞語,不妨開一本vocabulary book,在裡面寫下attitude這個topic,之後就找尋一些有關態度的詞語和片語(vocabulary items and phrases)。此外,我亦鼓勵同學可以運用那些詞語和片語做句子,這會使同學更容易記得怎樣運用那些新學的詞語和片語。


1. Watch the situation with folded arms 袖手旁觀

例句︰The number of child abuse is on the increase. Nobody should watch the situation with folded arms any more.

2. Adopt a wait-and-see attitude 採用旁觀態度

例句︰There is nothing we can do now. We can only adopt a wait-and-see attitude.

3. Take a firm stand on something 態度堅決

例句︰They have taken a firm stand on nuclear disarmament.

4. Hold/keep/stand one's ground 堅持主張

例句︰The talk broke down as the union stood their ground in the meeting.

5. Sit on the fence 騎牆

例句︰You can't sit on the fence any longer. You have to decide which side you support.

6. Be open to suggestions 樂於聽取意見

例句︰The committee is open to suggestions regarding its proposed policy.■馬漪楠



1. There is nothing you can do to better the situation. You can only adopt a w______.

2. The president s_____ his g_____ in the conference. Nobody could persuade him to accept the new proposal.

3. You should decide whether you support Manchester United or Liverpool Football Club. You can't s_____ o_____ t_____ f_____.

4. The government has t_____ a f_____ s_____ o_____ environmental protection.

5. The number of domestic violence is on the rise. The government should never w_____ t_____ s_____ w_____ f_____ a_____.

6. Jennifer Smith is o_____ t_____ s_____ as she is an open-minded person who likes to try out new approaches.


1. wait-and-see attitude

2. stood ground

3. sit on the fence

4. taken a firm stand on

5. watch the situation with folded arms

6. open to suggestions

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