今天想和同學簡述一種Paper1 Reading常見的題型,那就是找特定資料的題目(specific information)。雖然找特定資料的題目跟找重點(main idea)的題目非常相似,但它們卻測試不同的技巧。
找特定資料題目測試同學的skimming skills,要求同學在最短的時間內找到資料;找重點的題目則測試同學的understanding。前者通常較後者容易。
1. 通常較容易;這類問題常以短答形式出現。
2. 為避免浪費時間,同學在處理這類題目時應留意問題中的關鍵字(keyword);閱讀文章時,同學應特別留意那些關鍵字或其同義詞(synonym);答案常在關鍵字或其同義詞附近出現。例如:
In car racing, the key to success seems to lie in the use of aerodynamics. To beat others, competing teams often spend a lot of money on research and development. However, perfecting technology does not necessarily guarantee success. As many professional car racers will tell you, triumph often goes to the most cooperated team, not the team with the best technology.
Q. What is the most important factor of victory in car racing?
以上的例子要求同學找出在賽車比賽中勝利的主要原因,關鍵字(keyword)是問題中的victory,雖然victory並沒有出現在文章中,但其同義詞triumph卻在文中出現;答案其實在triumph附近,那就是a cooperated team or cooperation。(之一)■Dr. A. Chan