上期與同學們分享了如何在議論文中避免faulty analogy(錯誤的類比),除了faulty analogy外,同學還有可能犯上別的邏輯謬誤。今期想和同學分享另一常見邏輯謬誤-slippery slope(滑坡效應)。
In America, the rights to keep and bear arms(武器)are a constitutional right. If the government starts introducing gun registration, sooner or later it will embark on universal arms confiscation(充公), which will eventually undermine our constitutional rights.
作者指倘若政府推行槍械登記,必定會引致槍械沒收,最終損害人民在憲法中受利保障的權利(the rights to keep and bear arms) 。為何universal arms confiscation一定會發生?為何the rights to keep and bear arms 一定是要保留的呢?
We shouldn't allow the legalization of same-sex marriage because it will no doubt lead to the destruction of our marriage system and the traditional family. It will also encourage the growth of polygamy (多配偶制).
避免all or nothing式思維
要避免argument產生滑坡效應,同學應想一想argument本身是否合理,有沒有過分誇大事情的可能後果。很多arguments並不是all or nothing的(不是一就是二),同學可多用字詞如probably、likely、highly likely等去避免極端的言論。
Read the following statement and indicate whether the following statement is a slippery slope argument. Explain your answer.
We've got to stop the government from introducing a law which bans parodies(滑稽模仿作品). Once the government starts banning people's rights to make parodies for non-profit purposes, they will start banning others. In the end, we will have no freedom of speech.
Answer: This is a slippery slope argument. The writer suggests that banning parodies will lead to the loss freedom of speech, which cannot be proved.
■Dr. A. Chan 哲學博士,哲學碩士,英語講師。熟悉公開考試之出題模式與評分準則,任教英語。