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2016年3月2日 星期三
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社評雙語道:美國圖跣東盟 搞亂南海玩離間


■2月15日,美國與東盟領導人非正式會議在加州安納伯格莊園開幕。這是美國處心積慮遏止中國崛起,高調實施「重返亞太」戰略的近期例子。 資料圖片





種種事實證明,美國才是危害南海和平穩定的麻煩製造者。 (文匯報社評17-2-2016)

US-Asean summit stirs up South China Sea disputes

US President Barack Obama held a summit with 10 ASEAN leaders at Sunnylands in Rancho Mirage, California, the first meeting of its kind on the US soil. The purpose of this meeting was to sway ASEAN countries to contain China, reinforcing Obama's efforts in his strategic "pivot" toward Asia.

In recent years, the US has been deliberating to hinder China from emerging as a superpower. With its president's "pivot" strategy, the country has made numerous attempts to strengthen ties with ASEAN countries by supporting their claims in the South China Sea. The US military, using "freedom of navigation" as an excuse, has repeatedly violated Chinese sovereignty by deploying vessels and aircrafts around Chinese islands in the waters.

China has indisputable sovereignty over the islands and nearby waters in the Sea. The construction of necessary installations on Chinese islands is well within China's sovereignty rights as granted by international laws. China respects and supports the freedom to use international passages, to which all countries are entitled by international laws.

China and ASEAN have agreed disputes are resolved through bilateral negotiation and consultation by countries directly involved, Chinese officials have stressed, keeping peace in the waters. Bystanders should respect the efforts of China and her ASEAN counterparts.

Contrary to what it proclaims, the US itself is evidently the imminent threat to peace and stability of the South China Sea.■Jeffrey Tse [ywc_jeffrey@hotmail.com]


1. 航行自由 Freedom of navigation

2. 國際法 International law

3. 主權國家 Sovereign state

4. 南海 South China Sea

5. 東盟 ASEAN/ The Association of Southeast Asian Nations

6. 重返亞太 "Pivot" toward Asia

7. 圍堵中國 China containment policy


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