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¡½¥Ñ¤é¥»ÃÀ¤HPIKO¤Ó­¦ºt°ÛªºPPAP¡A¦bºô¤W¾Ö¦³¶W°ªÂIÀ»²v¡C ¼v¤ùºI¹Ï¡½¥Ñ¤é¥»ÃÀ¤HPIKO¤Ó­¦ºt°ÛªºPPAP¡A¦bºô¤W¾Ö¦³¶W°ªÂIÀ»²v¡C ¼v¤ùºI¹Ï

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1. An apple a day, keep the doctor away.



Mom: Honey, have an apple. An apple a day, keep the doctor away.

2. Bad apple

·½¦Û¡uOne bad/rotten apple spoils the whole barrel.¡v¡]¤@­ÓÄ«ªGÄê¡A¤@µ¨Ä«ªGÄê¡^¥Í¬¡¤¤¦³¨S¦³¸Õ¹L¤@­ÓÄ«ªGÃa¤F¡A¼vÅTªþªñªºÄ«ªG¡Aµ²ªG§ËÃa¤F¥þ³¡¡H³o­Óbad apple ¡A¤£¦A¥u¬O¥Î¨Ó¦YªºÄ«ªG¡A¦Ó³ë§@®`¸s¤§°¨¡A¬Û·í©ó§Ú­Ì±`»¡ªº¡u¤@²É¦Ñ¹««Ë±ÑÃa¤@Áç´ö¡v¡C

¨Ò¥y¡GThe tour guides that force tourists to shop are the bad apples in the Hong Kong's tourism industry. We should get rid of them.

3.The apple of my eye

Apple ¤S³ë«ü§@¬Ã¶Qªº¤H©Îª«¡A¡m¨º¨Ç¦~¡A§Ú­Ì¤@°_°lªº¤k«Ä¡n¹q¼v­^¤å¦W¦r´N¬O¡mYou Are the Apple of My Eye¡n¡A apple ´N¬O¤ß·RªºªìÅʤk«Ä¡C¡uYou are the apple of my eye¡v¤@¥y§ó°Û±oµóª¾«Ñ»D¡A¥X²{¦b¸g¨å±¡ºq¡mYou Are the Sunshine of My Life¡n¡C


Boy: You are the apple of my eye and I love you more than you think.

4.Big Apple

Apple¤S¥i¥H¬O¦aÂI¡ABig Apple¬O¬ü°êNew York City¡]¯Ã¬ù¥«¡^ªº¼ÊºÙ¡C


A: Where did you visit this year?

B: I flew to the Big Apple and joined the Gay Pride Parade in June. It was amazing.¡½µ{Ãý



