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■國力書院一案揭示了教育局的監管漏洞。 網上圖片■國力書院一案揭示了教育局的監管漏洞。 網上圖片

【原文】申訴專員公署(The Office of the Ombudsman)3月9日發表調查報告,批評教育局(the Education Bureau)對提供非本地高等專業教育課程的機構監管嚴重不足,亦缺乏明確具體的法律條文及執法指引(legal means and enforcement guidelines),存在不能撤銷原有課程註冊等荒謬情況。


更令人氣憤的是,教育局在問題曝光一年多後,仍不主動去檢討監管不足,反而文過飾非、一推了之,是典型的不作為和懶政(blatant incompetence of the government),尸位素餐的官僚作風必須根治(eradicated)。


國力書院(Lifelong College )2015年被傳媒揭發涉嫌偽造文書,偽造修業期,讓學員提早取得學位。時至今日,申訴專員公署則揭發(expose)教育局監管存在諸多問題。


其次是懶政(lethargic)。法例賦予他們主動突擊巡查(surprise inspections)的權力,但一直沒有做,亦沒有制訂監察程序(monitoring procedures),直到有問題才介入調查。



《教育條例》存在不足(loopholes),作為教育主管(in charge)部門為何不主動提出修訂?國力事件發生已一年多,為何仍要等到今年第三季才檢討?若非申訴專員公署主動調查,教育局是否繼續得過且過?這些疑問,都是市民最想知道,最想教育局回答的。


而事後不肯面對問題,實事求是地作出檢討改善,反而一推了之(evade responsibilities),意圖含混過關,所反映的態度問題,更應該受到關注。

教育局必須嚴肅、全面檢討現行的教育監管機制,主動發現、修補問題,坦誠向公眾交代。 (標題及小標題為編輯所加) (摘錄自文匯報社評10-3-2017)

EDB advised to tighten regulations on non-local study courses

【譯文】The Office of the Ombudsman released a report on 9 March, slamming the Education Bureau (EDB) for its failure to monitor non-local degree courses, and not having enough legal means and enforcement guidelines to deregister providers of fraudulent degrees.

Although the Lifelong College scandal might involve criminal offenses, the EDB could still have done better as a supervisory body. For instance, the authorities should have prevented such misdemeanour by means of regular or surprise inspections, not producing remedies when things go out of control.

However, instead of reviewing its own shortcomings in handling the issue, the Bureau decided to shirk blame and adds fuel to the already raging flames with cover-ups. This is blatant incompetence of the government and such bureaucratic cultures must be eradicated.

College offense exposed loopholes

In 2015, the media exposed that Lifelong College might have forged documents or backdated the registration of some students to enable the premature awarding of academic qualifications. Today, it is the Ombudsman's turn to expose the various inadequacies of the EDB.

First of all is the glaring defect in the current regulatory mechanism. Although new conditions of registration were added during the Ombudsman's investigation. Such conditions were not imposed on already registered courses. Also, the lack of necessary legal means have put the Bureau into a weird position, where it cannot remove a course from the registry once it is registered.

Second, civil servants are lethargic and the government bureaucratic. The law had given power to the EDB to initiate surprise inspections on this kind of non-local educational institutions. Yet, the Bureau failed to utilise such power and it did not devised any monitoring procedures. Officials added the finishing touch to the whole drama by shirking blames, saying that the scandal fell outside the Bureau's jurisdiction since criminal offenses are involved.

Seriousness of problems underrated

As the bureau in charge, why did the EDB not initiate amendments to the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance when there are noticeable loopholes? It has been over a year since the Lifelong College scandal, why would the review be delayed until the third quarter of 2017? Would the Bureau have taken any action at all had it not been for the Ombudsman's investigation? These are some of the questions that concern the public most.

Being responsible for overseeing the education system of Hong Kong, it is only natural for the general public to have high expectation on the EDB.

However, it has demonstrated its bureaucratic incapacity, failed to acknowledge regulatory loopholes and could not accurately assess the seriousness of the problems it faced. The Bureau's tendency to evade responsibilities and improvements also call for serious attention. It must fully review the current regulatory mechanisms, identify all potential issues, disclose to the public and fix them.■ Jeffrey Tse [ywc_jeffrey@hotmail.com]

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