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¥e°ò§Q»{¬°¡A¦pªG§Ú̬۫H³o§âÁnµ¡A«K·|ı±oÁ`¦³¤H°µ±o¤ñ¦Û¤v¦n¡C¡]If you listen to it, there will always be someone who seems to be doing better than you.¡^
µL½×§A±o¨ì¤°»ò¡A¡u¦Û§Ú¡v¥Ã»·¤£·|Åý§A¥ð®§¡]No matter what you gain, ego will not let you rest.¡^¡C¥¦·|¥s§A¤£n°±¤U¨Ó¡Aª½¦Ü§A¦b¥@¤W¯d¦W¡Aª½¦Ü§A¥Ã««¤£¦´¡C¡]It will tell you that you cannot stop until you've left an indelible mark on the earth, until you've achieved immortality.¡^
¤£¹L¡A¥e°ò§Q¥s§Ṳ́£n°l³vµL¿×ªº¨Æª«¡]Stop acting on those meaningless chase)¡A §ÚÌ¥u»Ýn©ñÃP¡AµM«á¹Ú·Q¦Û¤v¤ß¤¤ªº¬ü¦n¤H¥Í¡C¡]All we need is to relax and dream up a good life.¡^
¬O³o»ò²³æ¶Ü¡H¬O¡I¥e°ò§Q»¡¥L±q¤p¨ì¤j¡uµo¶}¥Õ¤é¹Ú¡v¡A«Ü¦hªF¦è¾a·Q¦^¨Ó¡A¥]¬A¤p®ÉÔªº¤@¬[³æ¨®¡C¥L»¡¡A¥unÅý¦t©zª¾¹D§A·Q«ç¼Ë¡A¦Û¤v«K´Â¨ºÓ¤è¦V«e¦æ¡A¨ä¶¡¤£¥Î²z·|¨Æ±¡¦p¦óµo®i¡A¦]¬°nµo¥Íªº¨Æ¡A¾î½Ý¤]nµo¥Í¡I¡]Letting the universe know what you want and working toward it while letting go of how it might come to pass,it happens¡I¡^
¥e°ò§Q«jÀy§ÚÌ»¡¡G¡u«O«ù«H©À¡A«D©v±Ð¡A«O«ù«H©À¡A¤£¬O§Æ±æ¡C¡v¡]Take a chance on faith - not religion, but faith. Not hope, but faith.¡^¥L»¡¦Û¤v¤£¬Û«H¡u§Æ±æ¡v¡A¦]¬°¡u§Æ±æ¡v¥u¬OÓ¤^¨à¡A¦ý¡u«H©À¡v¯à±a»â§Ú̸ó¹LÃøÃö¡C¡]I don't believe in hope. Hope is a beggar. Faith leaps over it.¡^¬Oªº¡A·í§Ú֦̾³°í©wªº«H©À¡A¦³¤°»ò¤£¯à¾Ô³Ó©O¡H¡½§Âµq°a ÃM©O»â¶¤
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