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To us, he was close to perfect. But, not totally perfect. ...The man couldn't stomach vegetables, especially broccoli. And by the way, he passed these genetic defects along to us.


Dad taught me another special lesson. He showed me what it means to be a president who serves with integrity, leads with courage, and acts with love in his heart for the citizens of our country.


We're going to miss you. Your decency, sincerity, and kind soul will stay with us forever. ...And in our grief, let us smile knowing that Dad is hugging Robin and holding mom's hand again.



He often said when the really tough choices come, it's the country, not me¡Ðit's not about Democrats or Republicans, it's for our country that I fought for.



Let me tell you that when George Bush was president of the United States of America, every single head of government in the world knew that they were dealing with a gentleman, a genuine leader, one who was distinguished, resolute and brave.



Through the ensuing decades, President Bush would frequently ask, nearly daily, he'd ask himself, "Why me? Why was I spared?" And in a sense, the rest of his life was a perennial effort to prove himself worthy of his salvation on that distant morning. To him, his life was no longer his own.

