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2009年2月17日 星期二
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Google's maps could help to find your kid

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2009-02-17]     我要評論

 With an upgrade to its mobile maps, Google Inc. hopes to prove it can track people on the go as effectively as it searches for information on the Internet.

 The new software will enable people with mobile phones and other wireless devices to automatically share their whereabouts with family and friends.

 The feature, dubbed “Latitude,” expands upon a tool introduced in 2007 to allow mobile phone users to check their own location on a Google map with the press of a button.

 “This adds a social flavor to Google maps and makes it more fun,”said Steve Lee, a Google product manager.

 It could also raise privacy concerns, but Google is doing its best to avoid a backlash by requiring each user to manually turn on the tracking software and making it easy to turn off or limit access to the service.

 Google also is promising not to retain any information about its users' movements. Only the last location picked up by the tracking service will be stored on Google's computers, Lee said.

 The software plots a user's location - marked by a personal picture on Google's map - by relying on cell phone towers, global positioning systems or a Wi-Fi connection to deduce their location. The system can follow people's travels in the United States and 26 other areas.

 It's left up to each user to decide who can monitor their location. To widen the software's appeal, Google is offering a version that can be installed on personal computers as well.

 The PC access is designed for people who don't have a mobile phone but still may want to keep tabs on their children or someone else special, Lee said. People using the PC version can also be watched if they are connected to the Internet through Wi-Fi.

 Google can plot a person's location within a few yards if it's using GPS, or might be off by several miles if it's relying on transmission from cell phone towers. People who don't want to be precise about their whereabouts can choose to display just the city instead of a specific neighborhood. ■AP

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