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2009年12月3日 星期四
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2009-12-03]     我要評論


The First Scientist who Measured the Light Speed

 The stars twinkled over the valley city of Florence. A small group of men, with a big lantern covered up, stood on the top of the hill. Looking across the city to another hill on the other side, some 1.5 kilometers away, was a similar group of people. It was sometime between 1610 and 1638. Galileo was carrying out a scientific experiment to measure the speed of light. His idea was to let the first group uncover their lantern and the second group, upon seeing the light, would do the same immediately. The time for the light to travel back and forth should enable him to calculate the speed of light. But Galileo had adopted a distance far too short for his crude setup. It was not until 1676 that Ole Romer, while trying to predict the positions of the Jovian satellites, accidentally unveiled this secret.  ■甄枝強 資深天文愛好者

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