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2010年12月3日 星期五
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社評雙語道:面對生源銳減 務實處理減班

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-12-03]     我要評論

 ■教育局局長孫明揚上月宣布,推出優化措施,鼓勵更多中學自願減班。 資料圖片

Adopt a pragmatic approach in class cuts as student population decreases




Secretary for Education Michael Suen announced last month the introduction of the class optimization scheme to encourage more secondary schools to cut classes voluntarily. Special allowances will be offered in order to attract more schools to participate in the class cut scheme. The aim of the authorities to minimize the impact of class cuts on teachers is understandable. Nevertheless, it is also necessary that schools accept the reality that the student population is decreasing sharply, and keep away from asking taxpayers to take care of surplus teachers at all cost by spending public funds. On the other hand, the government should also follow up on the changes in society and adjust the number of graduates from teacher education courses in a timely manner so as to avoid creating more surplus teachers. Cutting classes uniformly in all secondary schools will inevitably cause a significant reduction in the number of available places in popular schools, which will for sure raise concerns for parents and students. So, in forging ahead the scheme, the authorities should bear in mind the principles of student-based education and the goal of enhancing teaching quality, and allow flexible arrangements.

Besides re-launching the so-called "fat chicken meal" (voluntary early retirement scheme) to offset redundancy, the Education Bureau can also consider making more alternative opportunities available for surplus teachers. These can include expanding re-deployment vocational training, encouraging local schools to accept students widely from overseas and the mainland sources, and advocating cooperation of local schools with mainland partners in setting up schools on the mainland. These can achieve the aim of creating as many job opportunities as possible to accommodate surplus teachers.

As class reduction is to be adopted uniformly in all secondary schools in the territory, reputable schools should in theory also participate, or else the scheme cannot take off. Unfortunately, in such a way, cutting classes may turn into a punishment for some well-run schools and good teachers, contrary to the principle of refining education. If available places in good schools are reduced, the opportunities for more students to receive quality education will accordingly drop. This poses a greater disadvantage in particular to children from families of the grassroots. Good schools play an important part in enhancing the quality of education in Hong Kong. Interests of the students ought to be the first priority of education. While determined to carry out the class-cut scheme, the authorities should also pay attention to different opinions and demands. The authorities have to handle class reduction in quality schools carefully and find a balanced solution.

 ■translation by 開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

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