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2011年2月18日 星期五
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社評雙語道:玉兔迎春 香港添喜氣

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-02-18]     我要評論






The Rabbit ushers in Springtime and brings joy to Hong Kong

In the past year of the lunar calendar, the economy of Hong Kong recovered at a fast speed; Hong Kong people, while enjoying the fruit of economic prosperity, also felt more confident about the future. Back in the year of the Tiger, the European and American economies had seen uncertainties and hard times as they were troubled by lurking sovereign debt crises and soaring unemployment rates. In contrast, Hong Kong, despite being a small and open economy vulnerable to impact caused by uncertainties in external markets, benefited from the strong economic growth of the Mainland and recorded a 6.5% growth rate in the year. International rating agencies like Moody's, Fitch and Standard and Poor's have already given Hong Kong a higher credit rating, which is an indication of the financial stability and rosy outlook of the Hong Kong economy.

It is a well known fact that rabbits are mild, lively, adorable and peace-loving animals. This perhaps bodes well for Hong Kong in the year to come. Last year, both the local property and stock market enjoyed a steady growth, companies reported promising profits and employees in general were given a pay rise. Furthermore, the Legislative Council passed the political reform bill, making a big step forward on the road to democracy. As political disputes subside, Hong Kong can focus more on developing its economy, creating wealth and bringing fortune to the people.

To celebrate the spring festival in the year of the Rabbit, people flocked to various shopping areas. The Lunar New Year flower markets were crowded with people and business was brisk. In spite of the frequent price rises caused by the strong economic growth, people went shopping and prepared for the New Year as they used to. Everyone was in a festive mood and merchants were overjoyed to see the high turnover of business. All these prove that Hong Kong has successfully overcome the challenges brought about by the financial tsunami and moved into another booming era. Under a state of economic prosperity and social harmony, Hong Kong people have enjoyed security and job satisfaction, and blissfully welcomed the year of the Rabbit.

The new year ahead starts the twelfth five year plan of our country and is as well a critical year for Hong Kong to speed up economic transformation and foster social harmony. Hong Kong should once again further gather its strength, act in accord with the twelfth five year plan and press ahead with the readjustment and upgrading of its industrial structure. Hong Kong has to make scientific planning for its long term development, increase the competitiveness of its core strength and create more growth spots for its economic development so that the Year of the Rabbit can bring more good tidings.  ■Translation by 開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

社評雙語道:玉兔迎春 香港添喜氣 (2011-02-18) (圖)
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