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2011年2月11日 星期五
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社評雙語道:設立購物冷靜期 增加消費者保障

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-02-11]     我要評論





Cooling-off period for shoppers should be set up to increase consumer protection

The public consultation on the fight against inappropriate trade practices has been completed, and the government recommended a 7 day cooling-off period be allowed for any sale of goods or services which has a contract term of six months or above. Under the recommendation, the coverage of the cooling-off period will be extended to all kinds of services and the risk of consumers' interest being harmed by fraudulent trade practices will thus be minimized. It is a recommendation worth supporting. The government should expedite the legislation process, put in place all other related measures such as consumer education, and require providers of goods and services to clearly explain consumer rights to their customers. These measures promote honest trade practices, increase consumer protection, and safeguard Hong Kong's reputation as a shoppers' paradise.

Currently, some unscrupulous money-grubbing merchants frequently offer benefits such as discounts and gifts in order to sell fast, or employ brainwashing tactics so as to pester or intimidate customers to spend a large sum of money in buying goods or services. Some shops may even wind up their business all of a sudden after having received a large sum of pre-payment, causing a great loss to their customers. There were once numerous cases of local dishonest merchants cheating mainland tourists who were on individual visits; however, after the government had introduced the 14 day 100% refund guarantee scheme, complaints about shopping in Hong Kong launched by mainland consumers greatly reduced. It can thus be believed that if local consumers can also enjoy the protection of a cooling-off period, cases of customers being cheated by fraudulent practices will accordingly decrease significantly.

Setting up a cooling-off period that allows consumers to return goods or services as well as to get refunds will possibly increase the operating cost of merchants; small and medium-sized enterprises in particular will be affected more seriously. However, merchants should understand that more protection for consumers means better overall business environment in Hong Kong. Not only will local shoppers have greater confidence and be more willing to spend, but those from outside the territory will also be lured to shop in Hong Kong. This will expand the size of the local market and benefit the merchants as well. Therefore, the business sector should take a positive attitude towards the legislative change for better consumer protection. ■Translation by 開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

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