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2012年7月13日 星期五
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-07-13]     我要評論


Triumphant return of Shenzhou 9 reflects the rise of a great nation



After 13 days of flying in space, the re-entry module of the manned Shenzhou 9 spacecraft returned and landed safely on Earth at the end of last month. This marked the successful completion of the mission to manually dock the Shenzhou 9 space vehicle with Tiangong 1 space station. Spending only 20 or more years, China already attained the result that the USA and Russia had spent nearly a century to achieve. With only ten trial spaceflights, China has successfully commanded the three basic techniques of manned spaceflight: carrying human to and from space, astronauts performing extra-vehicular activities, and docking of two spacecrafts in space. The triumphant return of Shenzhou 9 reflects the strategic thinking and spiritual power that China possesses in planning its peaceful rising. China has engineered its development with the strategic vision of a rising great nation and relied solely on its own strength in carrying out reforms and innovations. This demonstrates that the Chinese people are realizing the great revival of their country with persevering stamina and wisdom.

China is now equipped with the ability to transport personnel and supplies to orbital spacecrafts by different modes of docking. This paves the way for China to station its personnel in space for a longer duration to complete missions including such spaceflight activities as the establishment of a space station and the exploration of moon landing. The global economy is currently facing severe challenges and other countries in the world are obviously slowing down their efforts in the field of space exploration. China is at present the only country which is still providing great support to this enterprise with considerable resources and manpower. With this, China makes its contributions to space exploration by mankind and at the same time continues to increase its comprehensive competitiveness. The series of breakthroughs achieved by China in the field of space exploration shows that the comprehensive strength of China is on the rise.

 ■Translation by 東明 tungming23@gmail.com


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