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2012年9月7日 星期五
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-09-07]     我要評論

■要根本地解決「雙非」問題,由終審法院自行糾正錯判是最佳的做法。 資料圖片



The right of abode for "double not" children must be dealt with promptly

The Chief Executive Mr Leung Chun-ying said at the end of last month that the administrative measures taken by the Immigration Department have been effective in mitigating the problem of "double not" mothers giving birth to their children in Hong Kong. To solve the problem completely, there is a need to make legislative moves. Besides, Leung also wished to listen to various views of the community. The problem of the so called "double not" in fact stems from the court judgement on the "Chong Fung Yuen" case, which granted the "double not" children the right of abode. Any administrative intervention measure can have only temporary effect but cannot get rid of the problem altogether. Now, there is only a few months left before the implementation of the new regulation of "zero quota for double not mothers" in the coming year. The authorities have to take legislative moves as soon as possible to rescind the right of abode to "double not" children so as to avoid new repercussions that may be caused if the "zero quota" cannot be achieved.

Pursuant to the Opinions on the Implementation of Article 24(2) of the Basic Law of Hong Kong passed by the Preparatory Committee in 1996, and to the content of the interpretation on the Ng ka Ling case made by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in 1999, it is clear that children born in Hong Kong to parents neither of whom is a Hong Kong resident will not enjoy the right of abode in Hong Kong. However, the Court of Final Appeal, ignoring the legislative intent of the Basic Law and the content of the interpretation made by the National People's Congress, granted the right of abode to all "double not" children born in Hong Kong. Whoever started the trouble should end it. The best way to solve the problem is for the Court of Final Appeal to reverse its wrong judgement of its own accord. Just as the Secretary for Justice Mr. Rimsky Yuen stated earlier, the authorities may consider referring the "double not" problem to the judicial system and seek a court declaration on the issue to determine whether or not children of "double not" parents have the right of abode in Hong Kong. ■Translation by Tung-ming(tungming23@gmail.com)


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