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2012年10月26日 星期五
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社評雙語道:重組巴士路線 紓緩加價壓力

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-10-26]     我要評論

■政府應積極整合區議會及九巴的意見,推動九巴重組路線,紓緩九巴加價壓力。 資料圖片




Restructure bus routes to relieve the pressure of fare increase

The Kowloon Motor Bus Co. Ltd(KMB) said, on 12 October, that 70% of its routes, including those which overlapped with the services of the MTR, were running at a loss. The company indicated that as its operation is under great pressure, it will have to consider the proposal of raising fares; however, if it can restructure its routes, the pressure of fare increase may be reduced. Being a public transport company that has a considerable bearing on people's livelihood, KMB should perform its social responsibility and try its best not to use fare increase as a means to offset cost. Nevertheless, if restructuring routes can help to cut cost and reduce fare, the government should take an active role in gathering opinions of both the district councils and KMB in order to foster the restructuring of KMB bus routes. In addition to encouraging environmental protection, this can also relieve the pressure of fare increase and avoid putting extra burden on the citizens.

KMB said that its proposals to restructure routes had always been turned down by the district councils and therefore it had to reduce the frequency of service to hold down the cost. KMB has the responsibility to provide services convenient to the people, and the district councils also have the responsibility to reflect views of the people on keeping the routes. In fact, the restructuring proposals were often turned down largely because the route restructuring guidelines provided by the authorities were inadequate. There was no information on interchange bus stop locations, sectional fares as well as elderly concessions, and interchange concessions were not offered as an incentive. These have made it very hard for the bus restructuring proposals to gain general support.

While the authorities should stringently examine the fare increase proposal put forth by KMB; they should also at the same time discuss positively with KMB the strategy of route restructuring. At present, most of the buses in Hong Kong are Euro II and Euro III designs which produce heavy emissions. After route restructuring, the number of buses running on the road will be reduced and that will help improve air quality. The authorities can offer incentives to push KMB to actively consider downsizing its fleet and restructuring its routes. ■Translation by Tung-ming(tungming23@gmail.com)


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