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2012年11月9日 星期五
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社評雙語道:長者利益為先 盡快重新審議

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-11-09]     我要評論

■香港人口老化,貧困長者增加。香港文匯報記者馮晉研 攝




Put interests of the elderly first and resume debate as soon as possible

The Finance Committee of the Legislative Council passed an "adjournment" motion on 26 October and deferred the debate of fund appropriation for old age allowance. As a result, distributing the allowances to four hundred thousand senior citizens may have to be delayed, which directly affects the welfare of the needy elderly people. The Finance Committee should give put the welfare of the senior citizens in the first place and call a special discretionary meeting to resume the debate of fund appropriation for the scheme as soon as possible. Legislative Councillors from various parties and bodies ought to put their political disputes aside and focus on tackling the difficulties encountered in dealing with the issue in order that the senior citizens can receive their allowances according to schedule and improve their livelihood.

In fact, the demand to double the amount of "fruit money" to the target figure of about HK$2,200 has been a subject of public debate for a long time. Driven by an urge to meet the needs of the people, the government would like to implement the scheme on schedule in March next year. This is what the government ought to do in response to the demand of the people. The population of Hong Kong is aging and the number of poor elderly people is on the rise. Under a system of low tax rate, an assessment mechanism for distributing allowance is necessary because it ensures that resources are directed to help those elderly people who are in need, and at the same time prevents the formation of a heavy welfare burden on society in the long run. It deserves support from all walks of life. The plan has been a subject of debate for a long time. Any unwarranted delay of the scheme due to lengthy debates on minor issues will not be accepted by the public.

The Finance Committee of the Legislative Council have to tackle the issue from the perspective of providing care for the elderly and consider resuming the debate of fund appropriation as soon as possible to avoid disappointing the old people once again. The passage of the "adjournment" motion by the committee unavoidably affects the implementation of the old age allowance scheme. Legislators from various parties and bodies should regard the welfare of the senior citizens as the top priority, focus their attention on meaningful debates in the Finance Committee, and stop dwelling on political disputes. ■Translation by Tung-ming(tungming23@gmail.com)


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