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2013年10月18日 星期五
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】

英文應試攻略:交代論點僅一個 闡述立場有三項

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2013-10-18]     我要評論

■寫作議論文時,要記得,plan of development通常都有三個points。 資料圖片

——解構Argumentative Writing二之一

 香港有一間電訊公司用一個數字作為自己的品牌,筆者認為大概此公司希望被大眾記著。作為英文老師,看見這數字,則想起處理Argumentative Writing的技巧。究竟一個數字與此有何關係?且看下文分解。今日,筆者先講述如何寫introduction。

避免離題 先寫outline

 議論文著重結構。寫introduction,除要簡述題目背景以及社會上不同的聲音外,最重要就是要有thesis statement. 一個成功的thesis statement,要交待自己的立場(stance),及如何闡述你的立場(plan of development or preview)。請記著,論點應只有一個,但plan of development通常會有三項。請看以下的題目:

 Quite a number of students think that PE lessons are completely useless and thus they should be removed from the current curriculum. Express your opinions over this issue in the coming issue of school newspaper.

詞性對應 平行結構

 考試時,你不妨先想清楚正反兩方才下筆;你應選擇論點較多那邊為自己的立場。在寫文之前亦應寫一個簡單的outline,這可減少離題的可能性。以下是一位同學的thesis statement:

 E.g. I think we should retain PE lessons in our current curriculum (stance) because they train our bodies, improve our emotions, and build our character (plan of development).

 從以上的例子,讀者除了知道作者的立場,亦會清楚知道作者會用三段去解釋他/她的立場:「they train our bodies」,「improve our emotions」,「and build our character」。在寫plan of development時,記著要用parallel construction。即名詞配名詞,動詞配動詞等。如,「Train our bodies」配「Improve our emotions」和「Build our character」

 最後要再提醒同學,plan of development通常都有三個points;每一個point成一段去elaborate the topic. ■Dr. A. Chan




Provide a thesis statement to the following topics. Your thesis statement should include your stance and plan of development.

Question 1

Do you think the government should lift the levy on plastic shopping bags. Support your stance with evidence.

ANS: I think the government should lift its levy on plastic shopping bags because the scheme increases our expenses, inconveniences our lives and fails to conserve the environment.

Question 2

Do you think we should have the 3rd theme park in Hong Kong? Support your stance with evidence.

ANS: I don't think Hong Kong should have the 3rd theme park because the construction of it will damage our environment, lead to heavy tourist influx and further reduce our land supply.

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