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2013年10月23日 星期三
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】

社評雙語道:內地持續增長 支持本港經濟

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2013-10-23]     我要評論

■今年的國慶黃金周,內地訪港旅客近100萬人次,當中便以自由行旅客佔大多數。 資料圖片




Continuous growth on the mainland supports economy of Hong Kong

 According to the 2013 Q4 Hong Kong Macroeconomic Forecast released by the University of Hong Kong on 8 October, the real local GDP for the year 2013 is expected to increase by 3.4%, which is near the lower bound of the 3.5% to 4.1% growth forecast set out at the beginning of the year. The growth of real GDP is driven primarily by domestic demand which accounted for a 3.8 percentage point of the overall increase. External demand, nevertheless, contributed a negative 0.4%. The steady economic growth on the mainland has in fact brought good opportunities and strong internal demands to the economy of Hong Kong, providing support to the real economy here. There are still uncertainties at present in the external environment. It is necessary for Hong Kong to strengthen its economic and trade ties with the mainland and take advantage of the individual visit scheme so as to ensure real economic growth. The government should also watch out for the development of US's exit from quantitative easing and take precautions to offset the ever-increasing economic risk in the external sector.

 Having been introduced for 10 years, the individual visit scheme has successfully injected strong consumer spending into Hong Kong and helped Hong Kong to survive several cycles of economic downturn. The long golden week holiday of the National Day has just ended and the number of mainland visitors reached nearly 1 million, with the majority being individual visitors. The great increase in the number of individual visitors had brought released purchasing power to Hong Kong. Retailers in general recorded a growth of business and the sales of high end timepieces and smart IT products were particularly remarkable. Obviously, consumer sentiment had shown a marked improvement.

As pointed out by the HKU report, continuous economic growth on the mainland has supported the steady recovery of the economy of Hong Kong. Currently, the mainland economy displays a promising trend of steady growth. The HKSAR government should strengthen the collaboration with mainland provinces and municipalities, and actively make plans for future cooperation in various sectors. If Hong Kong can take advantage of the opportunity provided by the economic development on the mainland, industries and all walks of life in Hong Kong will be benefited.


 ■English translation by Tung-ming



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