■中環巨型摩天輪去年12月正式開放予市民乘搭。 資料圖片
「屹立於中環海旁的香港摩天輪近日正式開幕」:「屹立於」可用動詞stand表達,例如The memorial stands on the square(那座紀念碑屹立於廣場上),或可簡單用located at或situated at表示,即「位於某處」;「中環」是Central;「海旁」是waterfront;「香港摩天輪」是the Hong Kong Observation Wheel;「正式」可用official(adverb: officially)或formal(adverb: formally)表示;「開幕」可寫作open,「開幕典禮」即是opening ceremony。
「除為本港增添新景點之外,某種意義上更為整個香港旅遊業帶來轉機」:「除......之外」可表達為beside (+ noun / verb-ing);「增添」可用increase或add;「景點」是attraction(s),而風景區的景點通常用scenic spot(s);「某種意義上」可用in a sense 或to a certain extent表達;「整個」可用entire;「旅遊業」是tourism;「帶來轉機」可寫作bring a turning point to,其中turning point 是「轉捩點」,而表達「有好轉」的意思可用 take a favorable turn,例如The economy begins to take a favorable turn(經濟開始有好轉)。
「摩天輪暫時只是一項旅遊設施,未算是一個景點,要有如海洋公園及迪士尼樂園般的規模才可稱得上是一個景點」:「旅遊設施」可寫作tourist amenity;「海洋公園」是Ocean Park;「迪士尼樂園」是Hong Kong Disneyland;「規模」是scale;「可稱得上」可用be regarded (as)表示。
「現時加上毗鄰機動遊戲嘉年華開幕,的確可以帶動中環新海濱更熱鬧」:「毗鄰」可寫作nearby或adjacent;「機動遊戲」是amusement ride(s);「嘉年華」是carnival;「的確」可用indeed 或really;「帶動」可用動詞drive,例如The new policy drives the economy(新政策帶動經濟發展);「熱鬧」可用bustling;而文中的「帶動......更熱鬧」可簡單寫作make (somewhere) more bustling;「中環新海濱」是New Central Harbourfront。
「但嘉年華只在聖誕至新年檔期才開鑼,長遠仍要靠海濱的整體發展」: 「聖誕至新年檔期」可以寫作 from Christmas to New Year;「開鑼」可用open 、start或begin,而文中的「開鑼」有「持續」的意思,可簡單用last表示;「長遠」可寫作in the long run;「靠」即「依靠」,可用rely on或depend on;「整體發展」可寫作overall development。
因此全段可英譯如下:Located at the Central waterfront, the Hong Kong Observation Wheel officially opened last December. Beside adding a new spot to the city, to a certain extent, it also brings a turning point to the entire local tourism. The wheel is for now a tourist structure, yet to be a tourist attraction, and it could only be so regarded when the area grows to the size of Ocean Park or Hong Kong Disneyland. Now, together with the opening of a nearby carnival with amusement rides, it is sure to make the New Central Harbourfront more bustling. But since the carnival would last only from Christmas to New Year, how the economy goes still depends on the area's overall development in the long run. ■龐嘉儀
1. 「除......之外」還可用哪個A字頭的英文表示?
2. 預計摩天輪會成為中環的新「地標」,它的英文是?
3. 海洋公園和迪士尼樂園都是「主題樂園」,它的英文是?
1. In addition to
2. Landmark
3. Theme park/ Amusement park