其中一句是You could have knocked me down/over with a feather (你可以用一根羽毛擊倒我)。字面意思是「你只要用一根羽毛,就可以輕易把我打倒。」這當然是誇張的說法,處於震驚狀態,稍稍被一根羽毛碰一下,都會跌倒。表示所見所聞不太可能是真的,十分驚奇,難以置信:
1. When I heard that he won the championship in the competition, you could have knocked me over with a feather.
2. "Do you know that the manager has resigned?"
"Oh, you could have knocked me down with a feather."
另一句可以用來表達驚訝態度的是Who would have thought it?(誰又會想得到?)這不是真的問句,不是要找答案,只是表示震驚,慨嘆世事難料。聽的人不必回答這句話:
3. She is going to leave home next month and move to a small village on the mainland. Who would have thought it?
4. So, even the officials were involved in this criminal case. Who would have thought it?
5. "She got promoted after working in the company for just half a month."
"Who would have thought it? Everyone was shocked."
很多時候,面部表情和身體語言會自然流露內心情感。不過,懂得用適當的文字語言,就可以更清晰地把自己的感想表達出來,省得別人猜測和揣摩。■Lina CHU
[ linachu88@gmail.com ]