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2015年4月22日 星期三
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近年內地多個省市區包括廣東省,相繼建設永久樹葬區,定期或不定期免費為民眾提供骨灰樹葬服務,並選擇風景秀麗、交通便利的海濱地區建立海葬紀念設施,為親屬提供緬懷追思場所。香港土地資源匱乏,當局應大力推動、鼓勵市民採用各種綠色殯葬方式,既不會減低對先人的敬意,更有助推動環保,節約土地資源,造福後人。 (文匯報社評 6-4-2015)

A "green" Ching Ming for our ancestors

During the Ching Ming Festival this year, thousands of filial descendants, carrying with them sacrificial offerings, crowded the cemeteries to venerate their ancestors. Visiting ancestors on Ching Ming is a way of paying respect. It is more important to remember and respect the deceased than to offer material sacrifices.

Natural burials are flourishing and gaining greater acceptance in Chinese communities. With its limited land but large aging population, Hong Kong is facing the problem of a shortage of niches. Apart from increasing the supply of niches, the authorities may educate the public to adopt alternatives to traditional burial practices.

In some mainland provinces and prefectures such as Guangdong, there are already permanent tree burial sites where regular or irregular ash-based tree burial services are provided to citizens for free. Likewise, certain picturesque and convenient seaside areas have been chosen to build sea burial and memorial sites, providing places for families to lament. Lacking land resources as Hong Kong is, the authorities may encourage local residents to consider trying green burial services. It does not undermine our respect for ancestors; it protects the environment, saves land and benefits future generations. (6-4-2015)

Learning Point



1. 孝子賢孫

2. 祭祖

3. 祭品

4. 墳場

5. 骨灰龕

6. 綠色殯葬

7. 樹葬

8. 海葬


1. filial descendants

2. venerate ancestors

3. (sacrificial) offerings/ sacrifices

4. cemetery

5. niches

6. green/ natural burials

7. tree burial

8. sea burial

■English translation and Learning Point by Tung-ming [ tungming23@gmail.com ]

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