「日本千葉縣警方揭發有交友網站職員佯裝『女會員』,誘騙男會員用收費短訊與心儀『女生』溝通,據報網站270萬名會員中,實際只有1人是女性」:「千葉縣」是Chiba Prefecture;「揭發」可用reveal或expose;「交友網站」可以online dating website表達;「佯裝」可用pretend;「會員」是member;「誘騙」可用lure (someone) into doing (something)表達;「發短訊」是text;「心儀」可用beloved、favorite或desirable。
「警方估計42歲網站東主三浦哲雄從2004年至去年間,合共騙取66億日圓(約4.2億港元)。網站的兼職員工假扮成女會員,透過通訊軟件LINE向其他用戶發短訊,聲稱跟男友分手,芳心寂寞」:「估計」可用estimate或evaluate,或簡單用think;「騙取」可用cheat、swindle或fool;「日圓」是Japanese Yen;「通訊軟件」可用communication software;「分手」可以break up表達。
「網站提供『免費聊天室』,但如需發送私人訊息,則要支付費用。員工會努力跟受害人交談,使對方以為自己有機會追到女生,從而更頻繁發出收費短訊。受害人要求見面時,卻以各種藉口巧言拒絕」:「聊天室」是chatroom;「私人」可用private;「頻繁」可用frequently;「受害人」是victim;「拒絕」可用reject、refuse to、decline to或turn down表達。
「日本消費者廳去年底製作模仿交友網站的宣傳廣告,提醒網民對交友網站提高警覺,尤其注意那些聲稱免費但實際會收取訊息費用的網站」:日本的「消費者廳」是Consumer Affairs Agency;「模仿」可用imitate;「提高警覺」可說成alert表示。
因此全段可英譯如下:The police of Chiba Prefecture, Japan, revealed that some staff of online dating websites pretended to be female members to lure male members into paying to text their "girls." Among the 2.7 million members there was only one female. The police estimated that the 42-year-old website owner had swindled members out of 6.6 billion Japanese Yen (roughly 420 million HKD) from 2004 to 2014. The "girls" used the communication software LINE to spread messages, saying that they had broken up with boyfriends and felt lonely. The website offered "free chatrooms," but members had to pay if they wished to send private texts. The staff made the victims feel that they had the chance to get their targets, who then paid for more quota. When they asked for meeting up face-to-face, the "girls" rejected with excuses. Last year the Japanese Consumer Affairs Agency created an advertisement which imitated online dating websites to alert the public, in particular, on those websites which claimed to be free but would charge for messaging services.■龐嘉儀
1. 除了LINE,現時還有何較受歡迎的通訊軟件?
2. 「溝通」除了communicate,還可簡單用t___或c___?
3. 「短訊」常用SMS表示,全稱是?
1. WhatsApp、WeChat 等
2. talk、chat
3. Short message service