■有趣的課堂應該用interested來形容。 資料圖片
在語言的世界裡,人們往往會利用不同的adjectives (形容詞)去描述自己的感覺和身邊的事物。例如, I'm really exhausted but I can't sleep. (雖然感到身心疲累,但我仍未能入睡。); That was an exhausting day! (那是令人疲累的一天!)。在中文運用中,「疲累」可以形容人的感覺或事物。可是,在剛才的英文例子中,若果 「exhausted」 與「exhausting」交換使用,則文法不通。形容詞到底何時用 -ed 還是 -ing 結尾,也是現今學生時常混淆和犯的錯誤。
-ed 結尾的形容詞,主要用來形容人的感覺或意見;而 -ing 結尾的,則用作描述事物、人、活動或地方,是感覺的來源等。曾經有位初中男生,在自我介紹中這樣來形容自己︰I'm an interested boy. I will bring laughter into your lesson. (我是個有趣的人,我會為你的課堂帶來歡樂。)這個小男孩,眼神流露自信,自我介紹也說得流暢,令人印象深刻,唯獨是形容詞用錯了。因為男生想形容的是自己,不是其他事物為他所帶來的感覺,所以正確的文法應是 I'm an interesting boy. 而當我們使用「interested」來表達感興趣時,緊記尾後要加上preposition(前置詞)「in」,例如,My dad is interested in collecting antiques.(我的爸爸對收藏古董感興趣。)
-ed -ing
1. 厭惡的 Disgusted Disgusting
2. 困惑的 Puzzled Puzzling
3. 沮喪的 Depressed Depressing
4. 激動的 Thrilled Thrilling
5. 難為情的 Embarrassed Embarrassing
6. 震驚的 Devastated Devastating
7. 惱怒的 Irritated Irritating
8. 失望的 Disappointed Disappointing
9. 滿足的 Satisfied Satisfying
10. 驚喜的 Surprised Surprising
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of adjectives.
1. What is your most moment? (embarrassed / embarrassing)
2. It is fair to say the performance so far has been . (disappointed / disappointing)
3. Christina is getting by her brother's immaturity. (irritated / irritating)
4. "My aunt is indeed by your greediness," said Mary. (disgusted / disgusting)
5. Dismaland is regarded as the most
theme park in the world. (depressed / depressing)
1. embarrassing
2. disappointing
3. irritated
4. disgusted
5. depressing