■2064年,本港將有三分一人口達65歲或以上。特區政府應盡早應對人口老化。 資料圖片
Take measures before populace grows too old
The latest data released by the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) project a local population growth from the current estimate of 7.2 million, at a rate of 0.4% per annum, to a peak of 8.22 million in 2043. Domestic life expectancy at birth is also expected to extend; by 2064 males will probably live to 87 years and females 92.5 years.
What arouses our concern is the continuously ageing population: elderly people aged 65 and above will go up to 33% in 2064, from the current 15%. By the United Nations' standard, a society is defined as ageing if its citizens aged 60 or above compose 7% to 10% of the total population.
Sailing through the impending challenges posed by our ageing population and extending life expectancies, can the future Hong Kong weather the storm?
The issue of elderly poverty is more pressing here than it is in other developed countries or regions. Some 2012 statistics show that about 0.3 million aged citizens are living on the rocks, which is 32.6% of the elderly population. Currently there is neither universal retirement protection scheme nor health insurance scheme, and the retirement protection the Mandatory Provident Fund offers is hardly ever sufficient.
A responsible government should see something very urgent in the matter-and undertake studies and draw up countermeasures promptly before our populace grows too old.■Jeffrey Tse [ywc_jeffrey@hotmail.com]
Learning Point
Universal Retirement Protection Scheme 全民退休保障計劃
Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme 自願醫保計劃
Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes 強制性公積金
Old Age Allowance 高齡津貼(生果金)
Old Age Living Allowance 長者生活津貼(特惠生果金)
Comprehensive Social Security Assistance 綜合社會保障援助計劃(綜援)
Transport Support Scheme 交通費支援計劃 (舊交津)
Work Incentive Transport Subsidy Scheme 鼓勵就業交通津貼計劃(新交津)