■「在鞦韆上失去的,可以在旋轉平台上找到」,就是英語中對應「塞翁失馬,焉知非福」的表達。 作者供圖
世事無絕對。很多決定和行為都會有得有失。的確,凡事有得必有失,反之亦然。中文諺語說「塞翁失馬,焉知非福」、「失之東隅,收之桑榆」,意思就是失去了一些,會得到另一些,或者在一處失敗了,會在另一處成功。英文有相似的說法:What you lose on the swings, you gain on the roundabouts.
Swing是鞦韆,而roundabout是旋轉平台(捍遄^、旋轉木馬,都是遊樂場上小孩子喜歡的玩意。「What you lose on the swings, you gain on the roundabouts」,在鞦韆上失去的,可以在旋轉平台上找到。意思就是有失有得、有弊有利;某方面的壞處,被另一方面的好處補償了。
1. If we choose to live in the suburbs, we can pay a lower rent. But what you lose on the swings, you gain on the roundabouts. We need to spend more on transportation.
2. She didn't win the singing competition, but was invited to an audition for a major role in a movie. So what you lose on the swings, you gain on the roundabouts.
上面的英諺略為簡化,就出現了It's swings and roundabouts(是鞦韆和旋轉平台)。這句話形容某些情況有好處也有壞處,好壞參半,或者面臨一個抉擇,但兩者各有利弊,分別不大。
3. It's hard to tell which hotel is better. One is near the station but more expensive. The other is cheaper but not so convenient. It's really swings and roundabouts.
4. There are equal advantages and disadvantages of changing the system. It's swings and roundabouts. We need more investigations and discussions.
誠然,凡事都要細心衡量,但得失有時難以預計,要平衡得失,有時一點都不容易。■Lina CHU [ linachu88@gmail.com ]