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ªÀµûÂù»y¹D¡GBalancing sides in standard working hours dispute¼Ð®É³Ò¸ê¡u¥´¥æ¡v ¬F©²¦³³d¥­¿Å

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¡½Jeffrey Tse [ywc_jeffrey@hotmail.com]

Learning Point








¼Ð·Ç¤u®É¡]standard working hours¡^°ÝÃD©|¥¼¸Ñ¨M¡Aªñ¤é±È°_°Q½×¡A¥Ñ©ó¬Û·í½ÆÂø¡A­n¹F¦¨¦@ÃÑ¡]consensus¡^¨Ã¤£®e©ö¡C´£¥X³o¨Ç±¹¬Iªºªì°J¬O·ÓÅU°ò¼h¡]the rights of grass-roots citizens¡^Åv¯q¡A¦P®ÉÅU¤Î°Ó®a©MªÀ·|©Ó¨ü¤O¡B¾ãÅé¸gÀÙª¬ªp¡A´`§Çº¥¶i¬O®e©ö¬°¦U¤è±µ¨üªº¤è¦¡¡C±j¨D¤@¨B¨ì¦ì¡B§_«h´N¤@©ç¨â´²¡]all-or-nothing¡^ªº¨úºA¡A¹ï¸¨¹ê±¹¬I¨ÃµLÀ°§U¡A§ó¥i¯à¾A±o¨ä¤Ï¡C

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The topic of standard working hours return to the news headlines as the problem remains unsolved. Its complicated nature require much time and effort before a consensus is reached. The original intention of this policy is to balance between protecting the rights of grass-roots citizens, the affordability of the business sector and the impacts on our economy. A gradual and orderly approach should be the most acceptable among the parties of interest. Forcing the way of a 'big bang' with an all-or-nothing mentality would probably bring only opposite effects.

Refusal to concede widens gap

Standard working hours, retirement protection and the MPF offsetting mechanism have been the three hurdles in the issue of protecting local grassroots workers and citizens. The general public yearns for these policies with the hope of improving their living standards. However such policies also have a huge impact on the interests of employers and the sustainability in public finances, and currently the views from the society are still very much polarised.

Apart from the above challenges, debates on issues regarding people's livelihood have also intensified and sometimes become irrational. Stakeholders from both the employer's and employee's side would not concede in negotiations, resulting in a deadlock in all three policies, which impedes prompt legislation and implementation. For instance, the second-stage consultation of standard working hours has been boycotted by the workers representatives, protesting the employer's side who apparently refused to implement it by legislation.

Europe's failure sheds a light

The constitutional reform package that was rejected by the Legislative Council last year has undergone an extensive consultation period, and was supported by both the majority of Hong Kong people and the Chinese government. It's by far the best possible proposal. If the proposal had been passed, it would surely have been a big leap towards achieving universal suffrage. Unfortunately, the opposition parties sought only to further their own political agendas by rejecting the reform package which ultimately results in a no-win situation.

Clearly, moving forward is always better than standing still, rational communication is always better than blame shifting, and harvesting success is always better than fruitless endeavors. As the global economic outlook worsens, the local economy faces substantial challenges such as growth drops and a rise in unemployment. Without considering the impacts on the public coffers and employers, forcing welfare policies through in such a time might end up defeating the original purposes when employees suffer the consequences.

The economy of Europe is recovering slowly. One reason is the implementation of minimum wage and standard working hours. On the surface they increase job opportunities, but in fact make cost-saving more difficult under harsh business circumstances. They also make firms less willing to expand and hire, so young people are getting less jobs. Hong Kong must learn from the failure of Europe, avoiding irrational actions when discussing labor and social welfare policies. More room for discussions will benefit us all.

