講起《新世紀福爾摩斯》中Sherlock Holmes和John Watson的brotherhood(兄弟情),很多人都會諗多驉A究竟他們之間是普通友情(friendship),還是「好兄弟,好得滯」,會搞起bromance來?
Bromance是近年再興起的名詞,源自brothers加romance兩字,意思是「a close, friendly, but not sexual relationship between two men」,可以指兩個男人關係很好,但不涉及「性」的同性關係。
例如,Sherlock在The Great Game一集中就有一次跟John說:Don't make people into heroes, John. Heroes don't exist and if they did, I wouldn't be one of them.
此話,就是老實提醒John說,雖然他完美,但不要 idealise(理想化)或idolise(偶像化)他。
原來這番話,John是有記於心的,所以在The Reichenbach Fall中,當John知道Sherlock墮樓了,便忍不住哭蚖﹛GOne more miracle, Sherlock, for me. Don't be...dead. Would you, just for me, just stop it? Stop this. 希望Sherlock為他表演多一個奇跡,復活給他看。
Sherlock不在了,John說出真心話:You ... you told me once that you weren't a hero. Umm ... there were times I didn't even think you were human, but let me tell you this: you were the best man, and the most human human being that I've ever known.(你曾經告訴我你不是英雄,唔......我也曾經覺得你不是人,但讓我告訴你:你是我認識最好的男人,且是最有人性的人。)
結婚生子 忠於原著僅好拍檔
當知道,原來Sherlock只是在扮死,John火都來,但最後還是原諒他: You were the best and the wisest man that I've ever known. Yes, of course, I forgive you.
《新世紀福爾摩斯》迷,不用想多了!(之六)■吹水同學會會長 馬漪楠
作者簡介: 馬漪楠,曾獲行政長官卓越教學獎(英國語文教育學習領域) (2009/2010),與岑皓軒合著暢銷書《Slang:屎爛英語1&2》。